Part 30

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Jungkook's pov 

I stare up at the woman as she begins to walk down the stairs, unable to look away. It seems like she is floating instead of simply walking though, her feet appearing to hover above the ground. She suddenly vanishes before our eyes before reappearing a couple of feet in front of us, causing every single one of us to make some sort of noise of fright at the unexpected scare. 

"H-how did this....?"

I can't seem to finish my sentence, too scared to utter another word. She shouldn't be here. She shouldn't be standing in front of us the way that she is. I know that she is the woman that was possessing (Y/N). The way that I feel around this specter is the way I used to feel when (Y/N) would come in with brown eyes instead of her natural green, my pulse quickening as my breathing does as well.

The woman pouts in front of us as she tilts her head to the side, obvious amusement dancing in her eyes. She seems to be enjoying this. She takes in our scared expressions and smiles, pleased by how petrified we are. 

"Wondering how I'm standing here in front of you?" she asks with a smirk, her eyes on my stiff form. "The spell that (Y/N) recited did separate us, but only temporary. For the time being, I am able to roam around as I want, though I don't have any real substance."

I look more closely and can see what she means. Her body seems to flicker in and out as she stands in front of us. Her skin is ghostly pale, it almost to the point of being transparent. I glance over at (Y/N)'s still form, wanting nothing more than to run over to her and make sure that she is alright. The woman smirks when she sees where I am looking, taking another step closer to us.

"Don't worry, little (Y/N) will be fine. I won't hurt her, because I still need someone to possess. But that will have to wait until the spell wears off. That doesn't mean that I can't kill you in the meantime though."

I can hear the yelling form the guys as she lifts her hand, her finger pointed straight at me. We all seem to be stuck in place, our feet unable to move due to her magic. Although we are all stuck, I seem to be the only one who can't breathe. I can't do anything but stare at the woman with wide eyes as I choke, it feeling as if water is flooding into my lungs.

My ears begin ringing and I begin to grow more desperate, tears pricking in the corner of my eyes as the world around me starts to swim before me. I don't want to die. I can't die. I have so much more I want to do in my life. 

Suddenly, the woman stops, her hand lowering as a look of discomfort appears on her face. The look changes from pain to understanding as her power over me disappears, her eyes wide as I begin to cough when air rushes back into my lungs. Then, she is gone, a thin layer of dust on the floor marking where she used to be standing. 

"Are you ok?" Taehyung asks me as he hurries over to my side. I wave his concern away as I hold onto my throat, just happy that I can breathe again. 

"What do you think happened?" Jimin asks aloud, a dazed look on his pale face as he looks at the dust. We all shrug, looking around at each other in confusion before I speak again in a shaky voice. 

"Lets just get (Y/N) and go. She hit her head pretty hard."

I look over at where (Y/N) was last and all of the breath in my body seems to leave me. I feel as if something inside of me broke, a strangled sob leaving between my parted lips before my hand has a chance to muffle the sound. I can't seem to look away as (Y/N)'s frail body starts to sway, both of her hands still holding onto the knife that is buried hilt-deep into her stomach.

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