Part 2

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The ride there was completely silent, no one making a sound as they sat patiently in this strange woman's car. They were all lost in their own drunk thoughts of what was to come, not even paying attention to their surroundings as they passed by them with a blur. A light drizzle surrounded the fast car, dusting the windows with a light powdering of rain. Jungkook is the only one getting nervous, even though he doesn't know why he is feeling so incredibly uncertain.

It may have to do with the woman taking them to her house where her friends supposedly await. They have yet to learn her name, so why do they trust her? Why are they blindly following her with no second thoughts?

He turns to look at her from his seat next to her, his eyes trying to find something wrong with her so that he can justify his uneasy thoughts. He finds absolutely nothing. She looks too innocent, too stunningly beautiful, to have any hidden agenda. She stares ahead at the road, aware of the curious  set of eyes that are trained on her face. Her smirk can be mistaken as a small smile from the side, her calculative eyes facing forward as she turns into the road hidden by the forest vegetation.

At the end of the path lies her house. It is not what you would expect from someone as gorgeous as her. It is the compete opposite from her fancy car with a new wax on her red Mustang. This house is old and huge, light spilling out and into the yard from the open doorway. That's when the first shred of doubt starts to enter the boy's minds. They don't like the look of that house..........They don't like it at all.

"Are you sure this is the house?" Jimin asks shakily as he steps closer to a wide-mouthed Taehyung. They huddle together as they cover their goosebump-riddled arms, seeking each other's body heat.

"Why of course it is silly! It's Halloween themed!"

A little bit of their doubt fades away immediately as they think about that explanation. It is close to Halloween. They suppose that these girls just like going all-out when they throw parties.

They all make their way inside, except for Jungkook who is still staring up at the mansion with apprehension. Something doesn't feel right to him.

"Jungkook.....are you coming?"

He watches as she steps towards him, a shy look on her face. His eyebrows crinkle as he thinks, a slight frown on his face. He doesn't remember when he told her his name. He doesn't recall her telling him her name either.

All thoughts vanish when she wraps her arms around his neck, pulling his face closer to hers. His eyes close as their lips meet, an explosion of emotions bouncing around in his head. As the pressure increases, his worries decrease. All bad and uncertain thoughts are blown away as she kisses him, her touch sending shockwaves down his spine. When she breaks away, he is panting. He has never felt like this before, and he likes it. Something about her is addicting.

"Come on! You'll miss all of the fun....."

As if in a trance, he follows her into the house, his wide eyes unseeing and unfocused. His head is still reeling from the kiss when the door slams closed behind him, the sound echoing throughout the surprisingly empty house.

"Where are your friends?" Namjoon calls while turning back to face the mysterious seductress. His eyes widen when all he sees is Jungkook standing by himself by the closed door, a vacant expression on his face.

"Jungkook......where's the girl?"

He starts at the loud sound of them talking to him, his eyes refocusing almost painfully. He doesn't remember her disappearing. He doesn't remember the door closing. He doesn't even remember walking into the house. All he remembers is the numbing feeling her lips gave him, a display of fireworks exploding behind his eyes.

Suddenly, the lights switch off, everything plunging into darkness. The only sound they can hear is their exclamations of fear and uncertainty, them moving towards each other for security. They are hoping that this is all part of the Halloween themed party, but they are slowly starting to realize that their may not be a party after all.

Hoseok screams first as the shadow swoops down over him. He crouches down to the ground as it passes, his arms covering his head. He feels the air brush against him, it raising all of the hairs on his arms and legs. They all copy him as it swoops down again, their arms covering their heads for protection. Jin remains standing, a defiant scowl on his face as he stands guard over his younger friends.

"Who are you, and what do you want with us?"

The whole house seems to vibrate as she laughs, the frightening sound echoing for several seconds longer than what should be possible. Their eyes flicker around the room in fright as they try and find the woman, but they can't see anything in the darkness that has engulfed them. Her voice sends ice through their veins, the icy chill starting to paralyze them with fear.

"I want to play a game......"

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