Part 24

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Jungkook stops what he was doing when he hears the sound of something falling. It seems as if it was coming from right outside his door too, his heart thumping in his chest as he looks towards the sound. He just hopes that (Y/N) is alright, not liking how it sounded as if glass had been broken. 

The door opens and he jumps, so focused on worrying that he hadn't heard anything else. He smiles when he sees (Y/N) walk into the room, slowly walking towards her as well. He frowns when he looks down and sees that her pants have blood on them, a small tear in the fabric as well.

"You're hurt. What happened (Y/N)? Are you ok?"

She scoffs at the concern in his tone, glancing to the side as she shuts the door behind her. It seems as if in the time that she was gone the girl told him her name as well as gained his trust, a tinge of annoyance making her scowl. That is really troublesome. It looks like she's gunna have to kill him after all.

"I'm ok. I just accidentally dropped something because I was too excited to see you" she says wth a fake smile, inwardly cringing at how disgusting she sounds right now. She can't believe that that idiot boy fell in love with the girl. She can't believe that that idiot girl actually likes this boy. She admits that he is some serious eye candy, but why keep men around when you can kill them instead?

Jungkook smiles as he pulls her into a hug, sighing contently when she wraps her arms around his as well. She pulls away sooner than he thought she would though, reaching up to grab onto the back of his neck and pull his face closer to hers.

Something doesn't feel right to him. He can tell that it is (Y/N) kissing him, but something doesn't feel right. The feeling is gone. Her emotions aren't how they usually are when they kiss. He can't feel the hammering of her heart against his chest. He can't feel the smile on her lips as he draws her closer to his body.

Her hand moves from the back of his neck to the front, a strangled gasp leaving his lips when her hold tightens. He stares down at her with wide eyes as she squeezes his windpipe, making it impossible for him to breathe. He slaps at her arm and kicks out with his feet, but she is inhumanly strong. 

His head feels heavy, his vision blurry as he slowly skinks to his knees, his face turning red. It is starting to turn purple as she squeezes even tighter, his hands now patting weekly at hers. Jungkook stares into her amber eyes, wishing that her natural green eyes would come back. 

Suddenly, something changes. He's not sure wether its from the lack of oxygen or his weakening mind, but he sees her eyes flash. The amber color flickers before it transitions into green, the hold on his neck loosening. The sinister smirk that had been on her face changes into a shocked frown, her fingers finally releasing him all together.

They both gasp for air as (Y/N) pushes herself away from the boy, her hands shaking as she holds them to her chest. Tears are flowing down her cheeks as he watches him catch his breath, her heart aching every time he coughs painfully.

"I have to get you out of here" she whispers to herself before running out of the room and slamming the door behind her. The thought of losing him had scared her. She had thought that the woman would eventually let Jungkook and his friends go, seeing as she seemed to have taken a liking to them. 

Now she knows better, her almost having killed one of them. She had been too scared to do anything before, but now she is willing to do anything to make sure that nothing bad happens to Jungkook again.

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