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I stepped out of my house, the wind tickling my face. Today seemed to be one of those days that were serene outside, but it only just stirred my mind into thinking about things that I didn't want to think about. As I walked my mind drifted, drifted off to ponder upon him and the billions of shit that I already have to deal with. The distance between me and my gigantic abode kept increasing at a slow pace, it disappeared when I took a turn and walked towards the place where everything went downhill.

I felt like shit today, it was like the whole damn city was rubbing it in my's peaceful today, HAH! Too bad it doesn't apply to you! I just learned to suck it up like I always did, people often praised my girthed endurance since I cope with things way better than most people.

"Kayden," I heard a voice that was probably my little sister Samantha. "Kayden," I heard again. I whipped my head to see her petite body panting, her dirty blonde hair-identical to mine- blowing in the wind very subtly. She was a beautiful girl, it was no surprise as our parents were the "ideal, good-looking, rich parents of the neighbourhood." People pretty much respected us to no end...yes I said us- we don't deserve it but we still receive it nonetheless because of my parents. My mum is a lawyer and my dad owns a business.

Samantha and I pretty much raised ourselves together, she is two years younger to me. Don't get me wrong, my parents may have busy lives but they prioritized us two as their main concern, they always said that they are doing it for our future, and I believe them.

"Kayden, mom and dad are back home. They were asking for you." With a small smile sporting my lips I got up and sprinted back home to meet my parents. Samantha looked to be just as pumped as I was as she was tailing me just as fast. I opened the door, went in, saw my mom, and I crushed her in my arms within seconds. She let out a breathy laugh and went "Kayden, you don't want your momma to die of suffocation do you?" I loosened my death grip on her and gave her an audible kiss on her rosy cheeks. She chuckled, "Your dad rushed upstairs as soon as he got home, you know him and his tiny bladder."

I laughed, "wouldn't I know, he did give that dumb gene to me." "I wouldn't say that young man, I gave you all the good genes, look at you! You've grown taller and more muscular...have you been hitting the gym without me?" Dad said with scrutinizing eyes and a smirk, he's trying hard not to laugh, I can tell with the twinkle in his eyes.

I went forward and ascended the steps as he was currently stationary on one and put my arms around him, he too chuckled. "I missed you Kay," he says. "You too dad," I said while I pulled away from him. Suddenly his expression darkened. "Did he... you know give you any...trouble....?," he asked with a fisted hand.

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