1~ Struggle Bussin'

Start from the beginning

Mornings tend to be stressful in my house but what's to be expected when a 17 year old is in charge?

A little under two years ago our parents died. They went out one night for a party and on their way home a drunk driver hit them. We later found out that his wife had left him, causing him to drink. So with the cruel way the world works, we lost our family right along with him.

We never got to say goodbye.

We were placed in the custody of my mom's sister, our Aunt Karen. It was more of a last resort than a choice. My father had no living relatives and my mom's parents didn't want us, not that Karen did either.

We tried to make things work for a little while but it was hell.

She has two kids of her own so she didn't have time to raise five more. Let alone she wasn't prepared to deal with all of our problems. The fact that she hated our mother with a burning passion didn't help the situation either.

Right after my sixteenth birthday we agreed on a deal.

The five of us would be able to live in our old house by ourselves. I would be responsible for the four other kids and in return she would make sure I had enough money to pay the bills and buy groceries.

The only catch to her deal is that we have to spend all major holidays like Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter with them for a family dinner.

The time of the year when we gather with our grandparents, aunt, uncle and horrible cousins. We eat catered food that takes away all special meaning from holiday dinner and listen to them talk about how our parents didn't know what they were doing when they decided to have five children. Or how they instilled such poor manners and ethics in us.

It's miserable but it bought us our freedom. So it's just the five of us that live in this house.

Scarlett Rain, Sage Forest, Sterling Ocean, Silver Sea, and Saffron Valley. Taking on the world exactly one day at a time.

Our parents named us after colors. My mom was an artist so she claims the colors just called to her when picking out our names. She believed life should be lived in color and that the best place to start was with our names. The matching S's happened because my father wanted at least some say in the process. Our middle names on the other hand were completely his doing. He was an environmental architect, hence the nature theme.

I scan quickly through my clothes, trying to find something easy but cute to wear. From the past couple years I've learned that if you look put together people will believe that you are. In the case of a seventeen year old whose technically a teenage mother and has no idea what I'm doing with my life, I need all the help I can get.

I settle on a loose, neutral shaded maxi dress with a pale purple bralette and Birkenstock's. The bohemian style is perfect for looking cute in a rush. I'm in the middle of trying to fix my hair when  I hear a high pitched scream.

My first instinct is to ignore it since screaming is a common occurrence in my house. However, a few seconds later Saffron runs into my room, still in her pjs, crying with a bloody nose.

I pick up my seven year old little sister, assessing the damage done. At least nothing's broken.

Sterling appears a few seconds later, guilt evident on his face.

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