Chapter 2 - First Day

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Soft sunlight filtered through the curtains into the bedroom. It was peaceful morning in the [L/N] house hold, everything quiet and serene.
At least until [F/N]'s alarm clock went of. The awful beeping sound was so loud it could be heard all through out the house. How ever the sleeping teenager paid no attention to it.
"[F/N] turn that horrid alarm off and get out of bed" bellowed his dad from the dining room.
Sleepily [F/N] climbed out of bed and turned off his alarm. He paused vaguely while heading to the bathroom.
"Isn't something special happening today" he muttered, thinking aloud.
Then he remembered it was his first day at Karasuno. "Holy fucking shit what time is it!" he screeched and raced back to his alarm clock to check.
[F/N] let out a breath of relief when he realized he had over an hour to get ready. However he rolled his eyes when his mom shouted "language please".
Grabbing his school uniform off his dresser, [F/N] continued back to the bathroom. He used the toilet before starting a nice warm shower.
The semi hot water felt great on [F/N]'s shoulders and back as he showered. Although he hadn't been playing volleyball for the past month, he had been keeping in shape.
Occasionally [F/N] would go a little overboard with the weights and end up with sore arms, just like today.
Soon he stopped the water and stepped out. Once [F/N] dried off he put on his school uniform.
    Then he dried his hair with a towel and took a moment to look in the mirror. [F/N] had short and currently rumpled looking [H/C] hair that framed his [E/C] eyes.
    "Breakfast is ready" called his mom from the kitchen and [F/N] hurried off towards the call of food.
    As he quickly ate breakfast [F/N] put on his shoes and grabbed his bento. "Why in such a hurry" asked his mom kindly. "No reason".
    Over the summer both of his parents had been trying to patch things up. [D/N] even went as far as trying to tempt his son to play volleyball again. Although they were all on speaking terms once again [F/N] was always slightly more distant with them and down right cold to his dad.
   "Have a good day at school" his mom said as [F/N] shuffled out the door.
   "Yah yah" he said before shutting the door and beginning his walk to school.
   Another reason [F/N] had picked Karasuno was that it was exceptionally close to his house. Within minutes he was at the school gates and entering.
   To most people Karasuno would appear unimpressive compared to some of the near by power house schools. But to [F/N] it was perfect.
   For the first time in his life he was actually excited for school.
   Quickly [F/N] went to find his class, which was class 1-1. As he strolled through the halls a few heads turned to glance at him. And no it's not for the reason your probably thinking.
   Although [F/N] wished people stared at him because he was 'so incredibly handsome and cool' or because he was ' amazingly tall and alluring'. Nope.
   The only reason people usually looked at him more than normal was because his parents were pretty well known. This annoyed [F/N] quite a bit.
    As [F/N] entered his classroom and found a seat he was pleased that only a few people seemed to notice who he was. But of course just as the tall boy was settling down in his seat and relaxing someone began practicality shouting at him.
   "Are you [F/N] [L/N]?! Cause if so then wow! It's nice to meet you but why are you at Karasuno? And is it true you quit volleyball?!" another boy asked excitedly.
   Rubbing the back of his neck [F/N] said "erm could you keep it down a bit".
   The other boy apologized quickly then said "well I'm Hinata Shouyo".
   "Seems you already know who I am but nice to meet you Hinata" the tall boy said slightly awkwardly.
Trying to stall for time before answering what Hinata was probably dying to know, [F/N] tried to think of something to say. But the orange haired boy had already started talking.
"So ... did you quit volleyball" Hinata asked quietly, making [F/N] sigh.
Running a hand through his hair [F/N] sighed again and nodded his head.
Hinata gasped and was about to shout something but he was cut off. By [F/N]'s hand more specifically.
"Listen it's not a big deal so please calm down" he said before removing his hand from Hinata's mouth.
"Ah sorry" said the short boy with a smile which [F/N] returned.
Just then the teacher walked in and Hinata had to hurry and sit down.
Class went by quickly and [F/N] found the material incredibly simple.
When they were given a work sheet towards the end of class, Hinata and [F/N] partnered up. The short boy seemed surprised by how quickly [F/N] completed it.
"How did you do it so fast?" he asked with a perplexed expression.
Laughing slightly [F/N] said "well the material is pretty easy for me".
Still looking confused Hinata asked "how come you aren't in a higher class then".
Frowning to himself [F/N] said "I didn't particularly care about applying myself to my grades in junior high because I always figured that volleyball would get me plenty of scholarships. But now I can't just depend on my talent for volleyball to get me places".
Hinata set down his pencil making [F/N] look over at him. The short boy wore an expression of concern.
"You look much prettier when your smiling [F/N]" he said seriously.
The taller boy laughed and said "thanks Hinata! You had me worried for a second though".
Both of them smiled at each other for a moment before going back to their work. As class ended and they turned in their worksheets Hinata asked "um ... would you like to eat lunch with me and ... maybe set me some balls".
Immediately [F/N] agreed so they both grabbed their bentos and headed outside. The tall boy was about to ask where they'd get a volleyball when Hinata got one of of his bag, taking care of their only problem.
Once outside by a large grassy area the two began to pepper back and forth. Occasionally Hinata would shank the ball but otherwise they kept it pretty constant. But after a while [F/N] felt himself getting tired.
"Hey lets take a break and eat our food" he suggested while flopping down on the grass. Hinata quickly followed suit and began eating.
Even though it seemed like they'd only been out there for 5 minuets they soon had to go back inside because lunch was over.
However the rest of the day went by exceptionally fast and soon [F/N] found himself walking home.
When he got home [F/N] found a note on the counter waiting for him.
"We'll be out till 11 but there's dinner in the fridge, love mom and dad" he read aloud with a grin. Thrilled to have the house to himself [F/N] immediately went up to his room.
As he dropped his school bag and changed into some comfortable joggers and a t-shirt, [F/N] looked at his room.
The walls used to have been decorated with posters of volleyball players but now they were blank except for a few pictures of [F/N] and his old friends.
"Maybe I should start playing again" he mused aloud while laying down on his bed. Shaking his head [F/N] shoved the idea to the back of his mind and focused on getting food.
Hey Hey Hey! Hope you enjoyed and sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes.

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