Taming the Children

Start from the beginning

" Marco, Luis! Come here!" Lance called into the next room, and he could hear the scampering on the floor right away. Those two boys came zipping down the hallway. Marco was especially buzzing with energy. " You two want to watch a movie?" The older brother asked.

" Yeah!" Luis exclaimed.

" FROZEN!!!" Marco yelled loudly, with his eyes glinting slightly.

" Oh hell no. I've sat through that ten times over just this week." Veronica scowled, and Lance facepalmed with his free hand. He should've guessed.

" Frozen!!" Luis said, and Marco started chanting it on repeat.

" Fine..." The alpha groaned. " Ronny, can you put it in?"

" Why me? I'm not willingly subjecting myself to this torture." His sister rolled her eyes for the um-teenth time that day.

" Uh- because I'm busy making popcorn."

" I can do that, actually." Keith offered, reluctantly standing up. " Just tell me where the stuff is..." He said, resting his hand atop the couch as he turned around to leave. Lance smirked without realizing.

" Lance, why are you looking at Keith's butt?" Marco asked bluntly.

" Yeah, do you like his jeans or something?" Luis questioned. It was clear that they were both too young to understand.

Keith blushed, as did his alpha.

" Something like that..." Lance said in a husky voice while looking at his boyfriend. And Ronny clicked her teeth.

" You both spent the past week doing... that... and you're still thinking about his ass?" She huffed while sinking further into the fabric of the loveseat.

" What's an... ass?" Luis was curious.

" Ass! Ass! Ass!" Marco repeated, having found a new word to say.

" Ronny! Don't teach them words like that!" Lance scolded, and Keith felt like he might explode from embarrassment.

" Eh." She said. " Can you put the movie in now?"

" No. You can do that while Keith and I make popcorn." The alpha grit his teeth. He sincerely hoped that the kids wouldn't go around repeating words like that. " And also, tell them both that it's a very bad word and they should never ever say it." He ordered.

" Ugh. Fine." The younger sister sighed, and Lance got up, leading Keith to the kitchen.

He flicked on the light switch, and the smaller boy squinted at the change in brightness. The living room wasn't very illuminated, so it was a little bit of an adjustment.

" So..." Keith said, leaning against the counter.

" So what?" Lance raised a bashful eyebrow. His cheeks were still tinted red.

" Nothing..." The omega chuckled, trailing off.

" Look if it's about-"

" It's fine." Keith smiled. " I'm your boyfriend, I think you're allowed to look at me." He could see Lance ease upon hearing what he said.

" And what about this?" He smirked before pulling the omega into a kiss. The cheerleader welcomed it as he wrapped his arms behind Lance's neck.

When they parted both of them had dopey grins on their faces.

" Yeah..." Keith breathed quietly. " you can definitely do that too."

" Good." The alpha smirked while letting go of his boyfriend's waist. He started rummaging through the cupboard above the counter, and next to the fridge.

I'm Not Easy {Klance Omegaverse/ HS AU}Where stories live. Discover now