Chapter 30

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Chapter 30-October 21 Monday Evening

       I rolled into the dojo with five minutes to spare. I tugged on my new uniform, extremely nervous; but I didn’t go back out. I didn’t want any of the kids to think I was a coward; so I took a deep breath and pushed onto the mat. I was glad the doctor appointment was over, but when I saw Assistant Instructor Robins stroll onto the mat, I groaned.

       “Line up!” yelled Instructor Wang as he stepped out of the office and onto the mat. I took my place, biting the inside of my cheek. “Instructor Robins…You have this class…”

       “Yes sir,” Brian replied with a smirk, while glancing at me.

       “Instructor Johnson, come with me,” ordered Instructor Wang before heading over to classroom b. I pushed on the wheels, flying after him. He closed the door behind me before examining me head to toe. “I’m glad the new uniform fits…”

       “Same sir…” I muttered as I glanced around. “What are we going to do, sir?”

       “Strengthening your arms,” he told as he walked over to me. “But you have to get out of your chair.”

       “I like my chair…” I muttered as I looked into his caring eyes. He just stood there waiting; so I sighed, “O ok…” I pushed myself up and forward before slowly lowering myself to the floor.

       He pushed my chair to the far wall; then he sat down beside me. “Alright Sam, I need you to trust me. You do, don’t you?” he asked as he held my gaze and I just nodded. “Good. I want you to put your legs behind you and get in push-up position.”

       I carefully roll onto my stomach and press my hands into the mat, lifting my body from the ground. “Good. Now ten push-ups…Head up,” he ordered as he watched me with a grin. I fell down and pressed back up, over and over till I finished the set. “Hold it.” I held my body above the ground, griming from the burn I felt from the ten push-ups; while I mentally scolded myself for letting myself out of shape. “Ten more, quickly.” I pushed my arms harder, sweat dripping off my nose. “Hold it again,” he said as he stood. “Good. Now roll onto your back and give me twenty sit-ups…”

       I quickly flip over and move my legs till they were bent; then I rushed through twenty sit-ups. My abs ached as he told, “Back on your stomach. I want you to use your arms and pull yourself to the wall.” He pointed at the wall ten feet away and I groaned as I flipped over again. I pushed my body slightly up and began a weird crawl to the wall, my legs dragging behind. I reached the wall and he called, “Come back.” I bit back another groan and made a large semi-circle before heading back.

       I reached his feet and he moved the wheelchair close to me. “Get in please,” he said and I pushed up before reaching for the arms. I pressed hard, lifting my body before falling into the chair, face first. He gripped my arms and helped me flip over.

       “What is the point of all of this?” I inquired as I meet his eyes.

       “To strengthen your greatest assets,” he answered calmly as he moved to in front of me.

       “Wouldn’t that be my useless legs?” I asked as I glanced at them.

       “Not anymore. It’s your hands and arms. Now show me your kicks with your arms,” he demanded and I swung quickly. “No. No. No. Put some power behind them.” I tried what he said, but he was till displeased. “Hit my hand like you mean it!” he snapped, holding his hand out as a target.

       I swung up, trying to please him. I placed every ounce into the slice that made him slice from the impact. “Well?” I said as I looked at him.

       “Good. Can you come back tomorrow?” he questioned after glancing at the clock.

       “I think so,” I replied as I met his eyes.

       “Great…Have a good night madam…” he commented before he left me in the classroom alone.

       I followed him out into the main classroom to find my mom waiting patiently, while Instructor Robins taught the beginners. “Ready to go?” she asked, breaking me out of my wistful daze. I nodded as I glanced at her before peeking back at my old class.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2014 ⏰

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