Chapter 5

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       Chapter 5- Oct 8, 2013 Tuesday Night

       I woke, unsure of where I was. I glanced beside to see my mom asleep in the chair there. “Mom…” I croaked, waking her instantly.

       “Sam…Thank God… Do you want anything?” she asked as she grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

       “Water…” I groaned, squeezing her hand in return.

       “Okay, sweetheart,” she replied before letting go. She rushed away, but hurried back with a glass of water. She helped me sit up and held it to my lips.

       I drank deep before she moved it away. “Where am I?” I asked quietly as I looked into her brown eyes.

       “The hospital…Do you know why you are here?” she inquired as she glanced at my feet.

       “I wrecked…” I groaned as I stared at the ceiling. “I’m sorry, Mom…” I went to move my legs, but I couldn’t feel my left leg and my right leg screamed. “Mom…my legs…”

       “I’m going to go get the doctor…” she muttered before running off.

       Tears streamed down my cheeks as I moved the sheets off my legs to find them in hard casts from the knees down. I touched the casts, making more tears spill.

       The doctor and my mother walked in with grave faces. “What?” I cried as I stared at the both with blurry eyes. “What is wrong with me?”

       “Samantha,” the doctor started as he sat, where my mom had been before. “I don’t have any good news besides that you are alive, sadly. Your right leg was broken in several places; but we easily put pins in while you were asleep…and your left leg was crushed…bones…muscles…tissues…and all…I’m so sorry, Samantha…but you won’t be walking again…”

       “But…I…” I cried as I turned to my mom, whose eyes were filled with tears. “You can’t fix it? Please…”

       “Samantha…I believe it would take a miracle…” the doctor replied sadly as he kept his gaze on me.

       “There isn’t anything?” I asked as tears rushed faster down my cheeks.

       “Not at the moment…maybe we can do something later…but for now it needs to rest and so do you…” the doctor told as he picked up his notebook and scribbled something down.

       “When can I go home?” I inquired as I glanced at my legs.

       “Tomorrow…” he answered before he headed out, leaving me alone with my mom.

       “Mom…Why?” I cried as I rubbed my eyes.

       “Sweetheart, everything will be fine…We’ll get through this…” she told as she picked the sheet from the floor and covered me. “You should sleep…I need to go meet your dad…but I’ll be back, promise…”

       “Where is dad?” I questioned as I laid down, watching her.

       “Preparing for you to come home…” she said before pecking my bandaged forehead and hurrying out.

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