Chapter 21

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Chapter 21-Oct 16, 2013 Wednesday Night

       Instructor Wang had shown me how to do the first couple kicks with my hands; so now he watched the rest of the class, while I drilled them. Right open-hand straight up, then left open-hand straight up. Next right open-hand made a curve to the outside before my left hand. Thoses were followed by swinging open-hand inside. Last one for today was swinging my right fist downward and my left fist after.

       As I went through the kicks, I muttered, “Leg raise.” I swung up. “Outside.” I quickly swung out; then I followed with inside. “Inside.” I drove my fist down. “Pickaxe.”

       “Not bad Instructor Johnson,” commented Brian as he stopped in front of me.

       “Thank you, Instructor Robins,” I replied as I glanced up. “So I noticed that you joined my school. I hope the boys are making you feel welcome.”

       “They are…that James is quite a character…” he said as his name was called from across the room. “Please excuse me.”

       As Brian walked away, I mumbled, “Yes, he is…”

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