Chapter 13

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       Chapter 13-Oct 11, 2013 Friday Evening

       “Mom, James will be here soon,” I called as I started to roll toward the door.

       “Be careful, sweetie. Call if you need anything,” my mother told as she glanced at me. “Is that the new dress that Leana got you?”

       “Yes,” I answered as I heard a car pull up. “Bye.” I opened the door and glided forward. “Hi James,” I greeted as I rolled over to his car.

       “Sweetheart!” he cheered as he swooped me up and hugged me tight against his chest. He carefully carried me around his car and set me down on the seat. “I’ll get your chair.”

       I buckled up, while he put the wheelchair in the trunk before hopping over his door onto the driver’s seat. “This is nice,” I said as I laid back, while he started toward the theatre.

       He parked in a handicap spot and I wanted to point out that he didn’t have a special pass; but I kept quiet. He got out my wheelchair before moving me to it. “Can you meet me at the door? I’ll go get the tickets,” he asked and I nodded before wheeling over to the door to wait.

       The line was a little long and I noticed that the longer he stood there, the madder he got. First, he crossed his arms; then he started to tap his foot. Lastly, he yelled, “Can’t this go any faster! I have my disabled girl-friend waiting!”

       Tears shot to my eyes as people turned to stare at me. I quickly pulled open the door and rolled inside. I glided to the corner to wait for James.

       He walked in and groaned, “Where did my ticket girl get to?” he glanced around before his eyes finally landed on me. “There you are, sweetheart. I thought you got wheeled away.”

       “Not funny,” I snapped as I stared into his eyes. “In here or out there!”

       “What? I just wanted to get back to you sooner!” he exclaimed as he stepped closer.

       “So you screamed to the world that your girlfriend is disabled? You think I’m a ticket for you to get everything you want! Don’t you?” I yelled, making everyone around turn to watch us, but I didn’t care anymore. “I’m just your way to take everything easy! Not having to park ten more steps from the entrance! Not having to wait in line!”

       “Sam…it’s not that way…” he started as he reached out for me, but I slapped his hand away.

       “No! It’s always been this way! I know what you think of people like me! You think of us as lower than you and to use as you want! Well, you’re wrong! And I will not be treated like dirt!” I screamed as I backed up against the wall. “We’re through!”

       “I’ll give you one chance to change your mind,” he said as he moved closer, keeping his eyes on mine.

       “I did and it’s is to dump you. Bye mister Wilson,” I hissed before pushing the wheels as fast as possible, gliding into the closest bathroom.

       I pulled my cell from my pocket and saw I already had a text from James.

       Samantha, you just made a grave mistake. You think your life sucks now, just wait…

       I deleted the text before calling my mom. “Mom…Come get me please…Please…We broke up…Please hurry…” I cried before she finally said that she was on her way.

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