Chapter 24

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Chapter 24-Oct. 18, 2013 Friday Morning

       “Wanna hand?” I inquired as I rolled to beside Tatsha; then I blushed quickly, muttering, “Sorry…”

       “It’s okay…and yes, please! My arm is killing me…” she giggled as she slid her backpack onto my lap before shaking her arm a little. “Need a push?”

       “Sure,” I replied as she stepped to behind me, pushing against the back of my chair. “So Tatsha…would you like to hang tonight? At my house?”

       “Like a sleepover?” she asked as we continued down the hallway at an easy pace.

       “Yea…We can stay up all night…eat popcorn…talk about cute boys…” I answered as I jotted down my address on her open notebook. “Come over at eight? Will that work?”

       “Yea…This is awesome…” she cheered as she stopped my chair before the classroom door.

       “First sleepover?” I guessed as I glanced back at her huge smile.

       “Maybe,” she giggled as she took her bag. “I’ll see you tonight.” She smiled at me before going to her desk.

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