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Time seemed to slow down in that instant. I was breathing heavily, fighting the pain that wrecked my body from the inside out.

Stabbing the lookalike in the neck was only a distraction. I knew it wouldn't kill her, that much was obvious. She was something else completely, something not human.

As she struggled with the blunt fork, I focused my powers on the cuffs. The pain I would experience in the next few seconds would be so catastrophic, it could very likely kill me

The pain tripled when I began to melt my restraints, but I forced myself to stay on my feet. If I fell down, if I showed any signs of weakness, it would all be over.

What was left of the cuffs fell to the ground, just in time for me to counteract the lookalike's attack. I dodged to the left, avoiding her sharp blade by a breath. Where it had suddenly come from, I did not know. If I wanted to contemplate it, now would not be the time.

Fighting sword against magic seemed like an unfair advantage to me, but there was the key factor that every part of my body was in screaming pain. I could barely stand, but somehow my feet stayed under me.

The lookalike was untrained in close combat, which put her at a great disadvantage. She had no way to protect herself from my magic, and even if I chose to strike her physically, she would have trouble blocking it.

The next time she tried to jab me, I ducked and shuffled toward her. I was close enough to grab onto her leg, and the contact is where I focused all of my powers into.

She began to scream. I felt my sadistic side show it's face to the light, and this time I did not push it down. Grinning, I worked my magic up her leg until it was across her whole body, burning her to a crisp.

It was over in a matter of seconds, ending as quickly as it felt like it had begun. Her body, a pile of ashes now, drifted to the floor. The room filled with the disgusting smell of burnt flesh and I covered my mouth.

The worst of it was over, but I would need to free Sif and Phil before anything else. It needed to be completed fast and without mistake. We did not have much time to lose.

Sif watched me, wonder like a film over her eyes, as I reached for her cuffs and began to melt them down. It didn't send new waves of pain over my body, but the intensity of the previous hurt still lingered like a memory.

Using my powers for an extended amount of time in such pain was also very quickly draining me. It would be no surprise if I could not even walk out of our prison.

"Thank you," Sif mumbled once her shackles fell to the ground. Seeing I was exhausted, she chose to remove Phil's own bindings by sheer strength. The sound of tearing metal was unfamiliar to my ears. "Phil, shoulder Avallone. She won't be able to walk on her own."

I made no complaint when Phil slipped my arm around his shoulders. The pain was numbing now, if there was ever such a thing. It was as if I could feel everything and nothing at the same time.

"Let's get out of here," Sif cries, turning to the door and destroying it with one kick. I had forgotten how strong she was, even with all that had happened to us. It helped that her body was now free to heal itself.

Phil's however, was slowly dying. His breath smelt stale and he looked paler than what I was used to. It could have been my mind playing tricks, but I was still worried.

We stumbled down the hallway, the ragtag team of broken prisoners. It did not take long for the alarm to be sounded and guards to approach us. Sif was more than equipped to take them out. Phil and I did not even need to spare a second glance.

[3] Just A Mortal Girl | Avallone the Avenger [DISCONTINUED]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu