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Wanda knew.

Wanda knew.

Wanda knew.

Wanda knew. She knew. She knew that I had powers, and she didn't have the thoughts of telling me?
My breathing quickened, and anger seeped through every fiber of my being. The girl who I had trusted, who I thought could be my best friend, kept something so incredibly huge from me. She was the only one that knew, and she didn't tell me!
"Avallone, calm down," Charles warned. He was frowning, seeing me freak out right in front of him.
The lights began to flicker, and things began falling over.
Logan placed a hand hesitantly on my shoulder, "kiddo, it's okay, just listen to what the Professor is trying to say."
"No," I said, turning to him. Then, I whirled around and ran. I escaped, going straight to my motorbike, jumping on, and zooming out of the school.

Powers. Me. Wanda. Betrayal. Revenge.
Scratch the revenge part, I'm not evil or anything. I was just so utterly angry that anything would have sounded good.
Gosh, I felt like I could kill someone.
That's why I decided to not return to the Tower for a while.


I had been missing from the Tower, from everything I knew for a week. No one had found me, and doubts had nestled into my mind. What if they weren't even looking? What if Wanda just wanted to get rid of me?
Screaming, I threw the nearest rock at a tree close to me. It hit my make-shift tent, and rolled off the side.
I was living in the woods, how pathetic. But, I just couldn't go back. Not while the anger was still fresh, and still swirling around in my head.
Not even the boys from Asgard had showed up, with their odd ways, telling me to go back. It was like the world had forgotten about me.
I had begun stealing from houses nearby. If I even step foot in the nearest town, the Avengers would be on my doorstep in hours. That couldn't happen. I was done with them. I didn't need them anymore, I just needed myself and that was it.
It hadn't taken me long to discover what my powers were. I had telekinesis, telepathy, teleportation, invisibility and basic fire-bending abilities.
In reality, I could become a villain, and my back story would be fantastic. Loki could change and side with me, and we could rule the world.
But, I knew that it was only the anger talking. I could never kill anyone on purpose, I wasn't that mean. I wasn't as mean as the one I loved.
Could he hear my thoughts from a different realm? No, that wouldn't be possible. Heimdall can only see me from a different realm, and he has very special abilities. Loki would need to be so incredibly powerful to be able to hear my thoughts from Asgard.

I sighed, and started a fire from the embers of the one I had lit last night. The nights were cold, and I barely survived with the meager blanket and fire.
Of course, I could start the fire with my powers, but I didn't like to use them, considering that they had been kept from me. Wanda didn't want me to know, and now that I did, why use them?
I didn't want them, so using them would only aid me I'm attaching myself to them.


"We found her."


Sitting cross-legged on the couch in my room, back I'm Stark Tower, I glared at Wanda, imagining engulfing her in flames, and hearing her pained screams.
The hate was festering inside me.
Beside her sat Logan, who kept glancing at me then Wanda, and then would whisper something to her while frowning.
On Wanda's other side sat the Professor. He looked completely calm, which only angered me more. The Avengers and Pepper stood to my left, obviously unaware of what had happened. Mmm, another thing that Wanda had kept from us all.
"Is your brother really dead?" I questioned her, wondering if she lied about that too.
Wanda looked at me with a pained expression, "yes." Her voice was quiet, and filled with hurt. She was hurting, but so was I.
The room was silent before she spoke again, "I didn't know that you -"
"- that I would what? Feel hurt that you knew that I was a freak and I didn't? That I would be angry that you kept it from me, from all of us?" I finished for her, sick of all of it. I just wanted to find a corner, crawl into it, shrivel up and die.
"Avallone, please, be reasonable about all of this," Charles started, but my glare, and the flickering of the lights quietened him down.
The Avengers beside me began to chatter quietly within themselves, and I found that I could hear all their conversations.
They were asking each other if I should stay at the tower, or go an live with the X-Men.
"I'm an Avenger, so you can't exactly kick me out of the tower," I said, extremely pissed at them for even debating it.
They all looked at me like I was insane, and I actually felt it.
You know the feeling, when you look at something, and an odd coldness fills you, and a delicious need to just snap overwhelms you.
I felt that.
"I'm not an animal, so you don't need to look at me like I am one. I'm a human being, just like the rest of you. The only exception is that I'll outlive all of you," I paused in my rant to look at Logan, "well, at least, almost all of you."
He smiled slightly, catching my sick humor.
"Avvy, look, it's just hard to wrap our heads around it all. We don't want you to leave the Tower, okay? Just let us get used to it, please." Steve begged me, his blue eyes convincing me.
I calmed down and nodded. If Loki wasn't involved in my life, I could have easily loved Steve. It was a scary thought, and I pushed it away. It wouldn't do any good to even go down that imaginative path. I had Loki, and I'm completely happy with him.
I could never love another person as long as Loki was in my life.

[3] Just A Mortal Girl | Avallone the Avenger [DISCONTINUED]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu