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The three of us turned to Odin as he opened his eyes and surveyed us. He had his hands folded and resting on the table. He was leaning back in his chair. The King looked incredibly relaxed.
This gave me a source of comfort, as did Loki's hand joining with my own.
"Yes Father?" Thor questioned, asking what we all wanted to question.
Odin cleared his throat and turned to me, eyeing Loki and I's intertwined hands suspiciously. I did not care though. I wanted to spend every last moment I had with him happily.
"Lady Avallone, I apologize for not seeing my mistake earlier. It is very clear to me now that your relationship with Loki and your friendship with Thor is benefiting to them both, and I would have been wrong to take you away from them. Though you will not be staying in Asgard, I will not prohibit my sons from visiting you on Midguard."
It took everything in me not to jump up and down, squealing with delight.
Loki squeezed my hand gently, giving me a loving smile. I do not know how I would have survived without him.
"Thank you, All Father," I said, feeling extremely happy at that moment. Even though I would not be seeing Loki and Thor on a regular basis, at least I would be seeing them.
"It is my pleasure, Lady Avallone. Loki and Thor will not be the only ones who will be visiting you. I wish to also 'drop in' for a visit some times, as does Lady Sif and Fandral," Odin said with a smile.
Now, that was something that I wasn't expecting. The All Father wanted to visit me, a mere mo- I guess I keep forgetting I am immortal now.
I grinned sheepishly, at my own thoughts and at what Odin had said. "Of course, and you will be very welcome," I said.
"We could make it as our family outings!" Thor declared, his loud voice booming through the dining hall.
I felt my face drop slightly. I would not mind having them all together, but sometimes it would be better just to have them separately, I do not know if I would be able to handle them together every single time.
Too many mouths to feed; too much noise; too much mess to clean up - I was starting to sound like an old lady.
"It is a good idea," Loki piped up, disappointing me a little. "But, I do feel that it would not a great idea every single time. We do not want to wear her out, and it would also create too many mouths to feed." Loki winked at me. That sneaky little nuisance was reading my mind again! I chuckled lightly, and pushed his arm.
"Jerk," I mumbled.
Odin nodded," Very true, my son, but I also do not want you to ever visit Lady Avallone alone. Thor will accompany you whenever you are to go."
This time, I laughed loudly. I wasn't planning on doing the dirty with Loki any time soon. If anything, I would wait until after we were married. Okay, so I wasn't exactly a virgin, but I was going to wait for this dipshit.
"Did I say something comical, Lady Avallone," Odin questioned me, turning.
I sobered down. "Uh, no, not exactly. I was just amused by the fact that you thought Loki and I would - that is nothing something I am planning to do in the near future." The levels of awkwardness in the room rose by about 100%. I guess it wasn't exactly right to be talking about my love life like that with his family. I was comfortable with Thor, but not that comfortable, and Odin, well, he is Loki's adopted father.
Oh well.
This time, Thor started laughing, and when Thor laughs, one can't help but join in. Soon, we were all in hysterics, slapping our legs and clapping like awkward seals.
Actually, that was just me, but I felt better about myself if I said everyone else was doing it to.


"I am sorry that we did not start off on the best of terms, Lady Avallone," Sif apologized as we walked through the Asgardian gardens. It was extremely beautiful, and I was struggling to pay attention to the conversation that I was immersed in.
I chuckled. "It's okay Sif, and do I have to keep reminding you that I am not a Lady? I'm just plain ol' Avallone, from New York." She rolled her eyes as I reminded her for about the ninth time that day. The thing is, she never listened to me, and refused to stop calling me 'Lady Avallone'.
I was starting to give up on reminding her.
"It does not feel right to call you anything but that," she explained as we rounded a corner.
I stopped and gasped, taking in the beautiful view before me. A golden fountain decorated a courtyard surrounded by beautiful, tall trees. Water poured from the fountain, flowing about a meter into the air before plunging back down to the pool of water below.
"It's beautiful, isn't it? I often come here for a breather. Sometimes those Princes can be a real nuisance," Sif said with a frown. She walked towards the fountain and sat on the edge of it, effortlessly gliding her fingers through the clear water.
"Very," I said, agreeing with both statements. "Is this a wishing well?" I questioned, peering around for coins.
Sif stared at me with a curious smile on her face. "A wishing well?"
I turned to her and nodded. I fished a coin out of my dress - why I had one in there was beyond me - and flipped it into the air. "Yeah, on Midguard we have fountains everywhere, and when you throw a coin in, you make a wish."
She laughed, "Sounds childish." Catching my frown, she quickly mended her mistake, "But, then again, it sounds exactly like something I would do to." After half a minute of silence, and asked me, "Wouldn't people just steal the coins from the fountain when no one was looking?"
I nodded. "Yeah, some people think it's funny to go to the fountains at night and take the coins. I've actually seen a little girl going to a fountain one time, and start crying because her coin was gone, meaning her wish wouldn't come true. To me, it's just a way to scam money off innocent people, but I guess it also holds a sense of magic about it."
"If you really want to see magic, come with me," Sif said, with a twinkle in her eye.
I knew I had to be back at the palace soon, so that I could leave, but this'll only be a little detour.

[3] Just A Mortal Girl | Avallone the Avenger [DISCONTINUED]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat