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I decided to let Loki leave, knowing that if I stopped him, I would regret it later.
I felt sick every time I looked at his handsome face, and it would take a while for that to fade.
For now, I would just have to be content with not seeing him.
Slowly walking out of the training room, I headed to my room to get changed.
"Loki was crying when he left. He's an ugly cryer, did you know that?" Natasha asked. She was lounging on my couch, playing with her lengthy red hair.
My mouth dropped. He was crying when he left? Oh, my poor baby face. My poor Loki.
"I didn't know that, and I wish you hadn't told me," I said, walking out onto my balcony.
Nat followed me, leaning against the white railing that decorated the edge of the platform, and had prevented myself from a lot of accidents.
"Sorry Avvy. It's just, he looked so sad when he jogged out of here. Poor guy."
I didn't reply because I didn't trust my voice enough.
"Anyway," she continued, like nothing was wrong, "I think that today should be spent in celebration of your return. How about us girls, you, me, Peps and Wanda take a little shopping trip and spend some of Tony's money?"
The offer was sounding extremely attractive, and it was growing on me quickly. Spending someone else's money that seemed to have no end was one of the best stress relievers ever.
I was in.


I felt like a goddess as I strutted down the street, endless shoppings bags strapped to my arms.
We spent so much of Tony's money on clothes, shoes and jewelry, and he would kill us, if Pepper hadn't been there.
Without our Strawberry blonde beauty, we would've been toasted bagels on Tony's breakfast plate.

"You spent over $12,000 today on things!" he screamed at us, as soon as we stepped out of the elevator. His face had turned an angry shade of red, and us girls burst into laughter.
This, of course, drove him up the wall. Pepper, our savior of the day, took the heat for the rest of us, while she gestured for us to bolt while we had the chance.
I dumped my shopping bags in my room, on the couch, and threw on a pair of tights and a loose sweatshirt. I had a lazy kind of afternoon in mind.


"Guess who," a voice called, waltzing into my room. Who could it be, but none other than my friend Darcy! (And her not so well known boyfriend guy)
We hugged, we talked about all sorts of things, we plotted fun escapades, which all must have seemed a bit too much for Darcy's boyfriend because he suddenly announced he was leaving.
"Thor came and told Jane about what happened, he talked loudly, as always, so I managed to overhear. I came straight over, which is crazy! But, I wanted to make sure you're cool, and it would be awesome to hang out again!' She said, smiling widely.
I nodded and suggested a nice walk down into Central Park. It took her by surprise first, but I guess I had changed a lot, not something that she couldn't handle.
Gosh, this was Darcy we were talking about. The girl who tasered a Norse God for goodness sake!

The park was nice, not too full, which helped us catch up a bit, since there wasn't much noise and people shoving you out of the way.
"Do you know what's weird? All the bad things seem to be happening to you, I reckon," Darcy mused as we slowly walked through the park. The walk was probably boring her, but it wasn't a good idea for me to just jump back into the heat of things wildly. I needed time to get used to being back.
Laughing, I agreed. "It really does seem that way. I wasn't a horrible person when I was a younger - I don't know what I can say about now - so that means that karma can't really be paying me back. Maybe I'm just really unlucky."
Darcy pondered for a bit, but then shrugged it off, like the subject was a little too deep and weird for her. I guess it was for me too. I also wasn't ready for thinking psychologically just yet.
My phone started beeping, and I felt surprised when I got a message from Bruce, the green rage monster/great friend of mine who disappeared a while back.
Avvy, I need you.
"Uh, Darcy, it was fantastic catching up, and we should totally do this again, like in London or something, but I really have to go," I said, excusing myself from our little walk, and running towards Stark Tower to pick up one of Tony's cars.
Behind me, Darcy yelled, "I don't know my way out of here!"
Skidding to a halt, I turned halfway and shouted back, "you're smart, you'll figure it out."


"Bruce, are you all right? I freaked when I got your message. Don't send that type of shit to people when you have disappeared for a few months!" I yelled, slapping him on the arm as soon as I saw him.
He looked fine, a little tired, and skinnier, but overall, he didn't look like anything needed to be worried about.
Rubbing the spot where I hit him, he awkwardly chuckled, like the normal and okay Bruce, not the mentally unwell-looking one before me. "I could use some help."
"Some help," I repeated, worst case scenarios running through my head. "Did you develop a drinking problem and destroy Tokyo by any chance, because that is actually something I have been worrying about for a while. Please tell me that you haven't cheated on Nat or anything, because that would - oh my gosh, you did! Bruce!" I started screaming and hitting him as hard as I could, which was surprisingly hard. So much for keeping myself calm for a while.
"No, no, it's nothing like - ow, stop hitting me! I just got caught up in this, and I need your help."
He handed me some papers, which I took hesitantly. Reading over them, I questioned his worry over adoption papers.
"Why would you need - Why? What happened that caused you to sign some adoption papers?" I asked, very confused. Bruce would do this type of thing, this wasn't him.
"I felt sorry for him. He was a lonely kid Avallone; lost both his parents when I destroyed Manhattan. I killed them, so I felt the need to take care of him now. I didn't think about my actions until it was too late, and now I'm stuck with the annoying kid. I've decided to bring him here, since he has clearly stated that he would rather that Tony was his dad. So you guys can raise him, I'm done with him," Bruce explained, walking off.
"You're kidding me! I have never known you to give up on something so easily! Where's the scientific mind that makes you one of the best people to be around?" I stopped when he stopped, waiting for an answer.
Opening the door of the car he had stopped in front of, he mumbled a few harsh words, and a head poked out.
"Old man, you didn't tell me that there was a sexy girl involved."

[3] Just A Mortal Girl | Avallone the Avenger [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now