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Luckily for Loki and I, Odin never heard about the little incident. Thor was surprisingly great at keeping things from the All Father, and Loki and I didn't have trouble with lying at all.
My stay quickly came to an end before I could even say 'flabbergasted'.
I left with a sad smile only my face, and a promise on my lips. I would return to him again, in Asgard.
It was a good thing that I was thrown a 'welcome back' party at the tower, otherwise I wouldn't gotten quite sad, quite quickly.
"I'm glad to have you back," Wanda said, hugging me quickly. I smiled at her, and thanked her quietly. It was amazing that she didn't hold anything against me because of when I hated her at first.
"I'm sorry about what happened when we first met. I wish that we could've started out as friends," I mumbled to her, hugging her tightly.
"You are forgiven, because I wasn't the kindest to you when we first met either." Wanda had a few tears on her face when we pulled away.
I was taken aback. "Wanda, I would've done exactly the same. What you went through was enough to excuse your actions; you don't have to apologize."
"Hey, are the rest of us going to get a chance to say something deep and meaningful to her?" Tony asked, in his usual arrogant way.
We both frowned at him, and I stuck my tongue out, causing everyone to laugh.
"He's right though, in his special Tony way," Pepper said, smiling at me. I hadn't really talked to her much at all, which I regretted.
I hugged Pepps, promising her a day with just us, and a few glasses of wine, and maybe some credit cards. She laughed and nodded. glancing up at Tony.
I hugged everyone in the room except Eli, since he was an arrogant -
"- Why don't I get a hug? You hugged the old man, and not his beloved son?" he asked, with the signature smirk on his face.
That was it, I had had enough of his flirty remarks. "That's enough," I said, before aiming a punch at the right side of his face, the side he always claimed to be his best side.
He stumbled backwards, groaning in pain, and holding his face. "No girl can punch like that!"
"First of all, I split a punching bag before I was turned immortal. But now, I have more strength, so that should teach you a lesson." I smiled sweetly at him, and poured myself a glass of wine.
Eli's eyes were full of rage as he said, "immortal, yeah sure! You're totally going to outlive the rest of us, while we rot and die, and you just sit back and watch. That type of stuff doesn't happen. Get a reality check."
Years flew by in my mind, my friends growing old, and slowly dying while I didn't age one second.
My eyes began to tear up, and I left the room. How to turn an already sad day sour, by Eli Banner.


Natasha kept knocking on my door, but I had told Jarvis not to open to anyone. He was a good friend really. He didn't question my reasons behind it, only did as I asked.
When he became Vision, he stayed at the tower mostly, but often travelled to Asgard to converse with Odin. He was almost always found in the deepest heart of the tower, with all the electronics, or talking with Thor.
Jarvis still had full control over the tower, and all the electronics in it, which was super handy.
I wasn't the only one who had noticed that he had been paying attention to Wanda quite a lot. I, sadly was the only one who thought that a romantic relationship could come out of it.
Maybe I was jus hoping that everyone could have a happy relationship like Loki and I. But, it's not always like that, as it was made known to me.
I had learned that people were wrong when they said what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. No, it's not like that. What doesn't kill you only makes you smaller. It makes you weaker, and more vulnerable to breaking.
At least, that's what I found in my life.
Sighing, I picked up a book that I had been planning on reading and opened it up.
It was called The 5th Wave, and it was about a girl called Cassie, after a constellation, who had survived the first four wave of the alien invasion.
It was something to get my mind of what Eli had said, which often drilled itself into my thoughts when I wasn't occupied by something.
I had begun baking again because it took up time, and because I did really enjoy it. I began learning different recipes by heart, and playing around with them. I never ate my creations myself. I just left them in the main kitchen of the tower, or would give them to homeless people I saw on the street.
"Avallone, let us in, please." It was Steve this time, pleading for entry. Hmmmm, they were changing tactics.
I ignored him, and kept reading my book. The rest of the day was quiet, and I had finished the book, and had begun baking again.
It must have been around 2 o'clock in the morning when there was a single knock on the door. No voice followed it, there was only silence.
I stopped what I was doing to state at the white door. No one had just knocked and waited. This was different.
"Who is it?" I called out, suddenly curious.
I smiled. She was the only person that I would actually have wanted to let in, so I told Jarvis to open the door.
"I'm not here to beg and plead," she said, sitting down on the couch and helping herself to the chocolate chip and banana cookies on the table. "Mmmmm, these are good."
"Thanks. What are you here for then?" I asked sitting down next to her.
Wanda swallowed the cookie and answered, "I'm here to give you advice. Your friends aren't mortal, and I know that it's gotta hurt, but think about it this way: you're only going to have them for a short amount of time, and then they'll be gone. Yeah it'll hurt, but you have to treasure it while it lasts."
I stared at her, wondering how she could be filled with so much wisdom.
"I know someone who suffers from the same thoughts as you," she said, answering my unspoken question.
"Who?" I asked.
Wanda smiled at me, and handed me a biscuit before walking to my door.
Just as she was about to walk through it, she turned back and said, "his name is Logan."

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