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The hours, or maybe minutes passed by slowly. It was impossible to tell time in the void I was in, and being the stupid person I was, I had dropped my phone while running away from Lady Sif.
Now, all the Asgardians are probably oooing and aaaing over the technology.
But me, I'm still trapped here. It's so boring as well. I don't know what to do, and have already exhausted my supply of songs. A mortal can only memorize so many.
Mortality. Yes, that has been playing on my mind a lot lately. Mother Frigga's words haven't stopped ringing in my ears. She had promised me immortality, right? If so, why don't I have it yet? Why am I stuck here?
I screamed and kicked the ink black ground, only to hurt my foot.
I had even lost my shoes in the darkness.
I had only put them down for a second . . .


I screamed again, wishing the memories away from my mind. I had been dreaming. Dreaming of how I had ruined my body, ruined my life, even ruined other people's lives.
Heck, I'm just a ruin altogether.
I'm sitting - or am I standing? - in total darkness, while the ones I love don't even care about me anymore.
It's high school all over again.
Excluding the fact that I am most likely dead right now.
But really, in high school, my friends found a new girl to hang out with, and she replaced me. Eventually, my friends started turning on me, picking on me, bullying me.
Their words hurt. They had known everything about me, and had played that to their advantage.
Then, after sharing all my secrets to the other children, I became the laughingstock of the entire school. Even the teachers would snicker when I walked past them.
And after my first suicide attempt, it became even worse.
I guess that my first attempt wasn't really justified. I was just being bullied, that's all. But, I guess that it just hurt too much, and I was only around fourteen years old. Life hadn't seemed fair then, and I was just ready to die. But, I guess I had overreacted. Now I am ready to die, but I wasn't back then. No, that was only just the beginning.


My mind wandered over to my very first memory: meeting my best friend Marissa.
It was my first day of kindergarten, and I was only four. She was too.
I remember crying as my mom drove away.
I remember turning around to face the classroom.
I remember her horrific stare.
She was ashamed that I had acted like such a big baby, even though I was only four.
Of course, I had used that as my argument, but Marissa hadn't bought it one bit.
'You're just an big baby that made her mommy take her here,' she had said in her nasally voice. Even back then, I had mocked her about it by sticking my fingers in my nose and talking.
But, instead of being hurt, like a normal four year old would have done, she just laughed and invited me to sit with her at her table. We got along ever since that day, that was, until she decided to ditch me.

Being in the darkness was weird. I started to lose my grip on what was real. It all seemed like an eternal dream, and yet, I wasn't asleep, or at least I didn't think I was.
The events that occurred right before the darkness were a little hazy. But, I do remember seeing Loki and Thor running to me, with Odin standing behind them.
Was I in Asgard before the darkness came? Or was Odin on earth?
I snorted, knowing the answer to the last question. Like King Odin, the great All Father would stoop so low as to visit Midguard.
So, that only leaves the possibility that I had been in Asgard before I fell asleep, or whatever.
Well, that is not entirely true. We could have been on another planet, but I do not think that that was the case.
Slowly, my memories of the events before the darkness came were fading, and in the ever present void, it seemed impossible to hold onto them.
So, I let them slip. I let the memories of Thor and Loki's faces as they rushed towards me. Their looks of fear and yet happiness.
I let the memory of Odin in the background slip away.
I let the memory of meeting Heimdall disappear.
Everything, all the memories, they disappeared.

[3] Just A Mortal Girl | Avallone the Avenger [DISCONTINUED]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang