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"So, kiddo, how are you holding up, with all of this?" Logan asked me, sitting down on the couch next to me. He was staying at Stark Tower for a few days, while I recovered. It was really kind f him, considering that he didn't know me, like, at all.
Sighing, I shrugged. "It's a lot to take in, you know. I struggled with the whole immortality thing at first, but this, this is just crazy!"
Logan nodded and awkwardly handed me a cup of water, "just stay healthy kid, that's all I suggest. Take care of yourself as you go through this, and you won't regret it."
"Thanks Logan," I said, smiling at him. He was right. I hadn't really been focusing on my health since it all happened. I had been stuffing my face with whatever I had craved, or whatever really came into sight, which wasn't good at all.
He nodded again, "now, tell me about this Loki guy I've been hearing so much about."


To say that Logan was surprised about my relationship with Loki would be pretty right. When he heard about what Loki had done, and then how him and I bonded, he almost smiled.
"Seems like this guy is just like me. Tough on the outside, but good on the inside, if the right people approach you," he said, with a chuckle.
I raised an eyebrow, "does that mean I'm one of those people?"
With a smile, and a small pat on the shoulder, he stood, "maybe."

Logan left the next morning, saying that I was fine, and that I didn't need him anymore. I got his number, in case I needed to call him or anything. He told me I could pop into Xavier's any time I wanted, especially if I wanted to develop my powers more.
I thanked him, and told him to thank all the others.
Then, I found Wanda, alone in her room, and locked the door. Her surprised face quickly turned into one of understanding.
"Avallone, I'm sorry that this happened. I - I didn't know that you would react like that, how was I supposed to? I don't know you all that well, you know," Wanda said. Her apology was great, but what came after it fed the flame.
"Maybe if you took the time to actually get to know me, you would have known damn well that I would have reacted like that!" I yelled, crossing my arms over my chest.
Wanda's gaze fell to her feet, a look of shame. She better well be ashamed, putting me through all of that bullshit.
"I'm sorry," she mumbled, not even looking at me. Then she raised her head, and looked me straight in the eye, "I'm sorry Avallone, I really am."
Sighing, I sat down on the floor beside her, and wrapped my arms around her. "I didn't mean to yell," I muttered into her shoulder. Wanda chuckled, and hugged me back.
"And I didn't mean for anything bad to happen."


I did end up going back to Xavier's so that I could manage my powers better. I found that after a few days of knowing of the existence of my powers, they spiked out of control.
Depending on my emotions, they would cause damage to things around me. I often blew light bulbs and other electronic things during the day, which eventually got on Tony's nerves.
He one time yelled at me to stop my electrical power, which got me confused. I didn't have powers to do with electricity.
When I explained to him that the telekinesis must have focused on the wires in the light bulbs, we went a little berserk.
Apparently, it wasn't what he had wanted to hear.
Now, he walks around the tower, quietly muttering to myself about how his practically adopted daughter was burning all his money.

Anyway, I stayed at Xavier's for about a month before heading back to the tower. I could easily control my powers by the time I went back, and even discovered some cool new tricks.
My powers were different from the powers of the mutants, considering that I got them when I became immortal. But, I had multiple powers, whereas the X-Men only had one main power.
Though they tried to hide that they weren't all that happy about it, I did pick up on the whispered conversations about how it wasn't quite fair.
I ignored it as best I could, of course, with the help of Logan and Xavier. Jean wasn't really present much when I was around. She didn't really seem to be that fond of me, but you can't be friends with everyone. Maybe it was because Scott would often stop me in the hallway, just to catch up on things.
He seemed oddly fascinated with me being there. Logan told me that he didn't really like new people, even though he tried not to show it. I guess I was an exception.
It put a little rift in Scott and Jean's relationship, which I didn't understand, because I made it quite clear that I was taken. Yet, the red-headed woman didn't drop her disdain towards me, so I just ignored it.
There's nothing really that I could have done

The tower was eerily quite when I returned. The silence sent a shirt up my spine, and some worst-case scenarios ran though my head, in a blur.
I crept up the stairs, opting not to take the elevator, knowing that it would make too much noise. My legs would probably start burning pretty soon, but I would just live with it.
Lugging my suitcase up the stairs wasn't the best idea, so I went against the little voice in my head, and sent it up in the elevator. But, with a flare for drama, which I may or may not have picked up from Loki, I attached a note onto it that read 'Expect the worst, with love'.
If there was a killer, than surely they - hold on. I stopped on the stairs to continue with my train of thought. They are the Avengers. They wouldn't lose to a murderer, or anything like that, especially if they were all together.
Smiling to myself, I realized that they were probably throwing a 'surprise, you're back!' party, and the note that I sent up would freak them out.
The smiles turned to laughter, and the laughter turned to leaning on the wall, clutching my sides.
What a way I had for announcing that I was back.

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