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Frowning, I looked at the male in front of me. He seemed my age (*sigh* not another one), and he had brown hair that hid one of his eyes. Definitely going for a scene look.
"Take a picture baby, it'll last longer," he said, with a smirk.
I rolled my eyes and turned to Bruce, "and you think we want that at the tower?"
"Wait, you're staying at Stark Tower?" the brunette asked, stepping closer to me. "I gotta go now. Bruce, com'on, you just gotta let me!"
Bruce shrugged his shoulders, sending me a helpless glance. I stared at him in shock. He seriously thinks he can dump his mistakes on the rest of us? He ran after their fight with Ultron, and now he is leaving us with this atrocity.
"Gosh Bruce, I never thought I would be disappointed in you. You are the voice of reason in the team of clowns living in that tower, but now, gosh, now you're something else. Once you sort yourself out, come find me." I said, walking away. I had taken one of Tony's Ferraris, which he wouldn't be too happy about. But he'll get over it.
"Damn, you messed up, old man."


Colors by Halsey filled my room as I filled up my second glass of wine. "I'm so glad I'm old enough to drink as much as I want, it's a relief," I mumbled, gazing out the window.
"You must be stressed," Natasha said, walking into my room. "You only drink excessively when you're stressed." Wanda followed her in.
I was getting over my initial dislike towards her. She wasn't bad at all. We got along pretty well.
"Shut up and grab some glasses and the tequila from the kitchen," I said, shoving the cap on the wine bottle and downing the contents of my glass as quickly as I could.
"Impressive," Wanda commented, watching me. I giggled and just smiled at her.
Nat threw me a shot glass, which I caught, and came to us with the bottle.
"I haven't done this in ages," she said, a happy smile on her face. I was glad that I was able to put it there.
"I've never done this." Wanda glanced at us both, a worried look on her face.
Nat and I burst into laughter. "This'll be a fun night."


"She's completely off her face, I don't know if this is the right time to see her. Use some discretion," I heard Tony say from outside my door.
Why was I on the ground?
I pushed myself up and stumbled towards the door, yanking it open.
The raven-haired male grimaced when he smelled the alcohol on my breath. "What happened?"
I shrugged, "things catch up to me eventually. I can't push everything down forever."

"Avallone, get back in here!" Nat called, a few giggles after that.
"Go away, Loki," I said, before slamming the door in Loki's face.


The morning after our crazy night of drinking was the worst. I didn't remember anything of what happened except that I took a lot of shots as a sequel to my two glasses of wine.
I swear I am stupid sometimes.
"Do you do this often?" Wanda asked, rolling onto her side with a groan. We all fell asleep on the floor, limbs flared in all directions.
"Not often enough," I mumbled, standing up. My head fizzed with a fresh burst of pain, but I walked lazily towards the kitchen anyway.
Pulling out the painkillers I kept purposefully for these types of situations, and three cups of water, I made my way back to the girls.
My phone screen lit up, and I reached for it. The brightness of the screen blinded me for a few seconds, causing my head to hurt, but I blinked it away.
'Loki is here,' Tony texted me. A warning of some sort, it seemed.
I sent him back a quick thank you, and informed the girls of my predicament.
"If you love him, then it doesn't matter what he has done. He has obviously changed now, and you should cherish what you have while you still have it," Wanda said, smiling weakly at me.
I returned the gesture, "even when you're hungover you give great advice. Thanks Wanda."

I stood and walked to my closet. Time to get ready for the day.


All heads turned my way as soon as I stepped into the lounge. Even the heads of Bruce and that annoying guy from the day before.
"Even hungover, you're still sexy," he said, with a smirk.
Loki jerked in his seat, and everyone glared at the newcomer.
"I'm guessing she's taken?" the brunette asked.
"More than you know," Loki whispered fiercely, giving him the worst look ever.
I held back my laugh, and found a seat beside Loki. "I got some good advice this morning," I whispered in his ear.
"Mmmm, and what was that?" he mumbled back, obviously quite happy.
I pressed my mouth to his ear and whispered what Wanda said and then kissed his cheek.
Cracking a smile, he leaned and kissed me on the mouth quickly before turning to face the others.
"You do look good even though you're hungover and disheveled," he whispered to me in his deep accented voice, something I missed.
I tucked my hand into the crook of his arm, and smiled softly at Wanda, mouthing a 'thank you' to her.
She nodded and grinned. Wanda seemed happier than when she first came. She almost never smiled, and would lock herself away in her room, but now she is getting drunk with Nat and I.

"Avvy, you were right. It was stupid of me to just dump Eli here and then run," Bruce said, apologizing.
The brunette's name was Eli. I must admit, it did suit him quite well.
Don't get too comfortable with the name.
Loki was frowning at me, and I had to laugh quietly. He seriously thought I would ever cheat on him with that thing sitting across from me?
He smiled in return, and I focused on Bruce.
"Hey, Brucie, you're not forgiven as of yet, but at least you're apologizing, right? It was stupid, and I'm glad that you have admitted that," I said to him, smirking. It was all meant as a sort of joke, but his frowning expression told me that was not how he took it. "Sorry, what I meant to say is that you're forgiven, but don't do anything like that again, unless its a female. I swear that is girls are outnumbered badly," I finished, muttering mostly to myself.
My statement earned a few chuckles from my companions and I shifted to a comfortable position in the couch, tucked under Loki's arm.
It felt glorious to finally be home.

[3] Just A Mortal Girl | Avallone the Avenger [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now