Chapter 24: The Grenade

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I miss hearing his raspy voice in the morning. His soft large hands soothing and roaming on my back. I would always turn around and play with his messy curls. We would spend the whole morning talking about whatever our minds desired. The last time I heard Harry's voice was a month ago. I get the reason why our communication is fading away slowly, but I know it's still there.

My manager provided me a list of things to do for a month. Other than watching Harry's home and maintaining it to be clean, I was still busy with the bucket list she sent me. Every morning I had to practice singing warm ups. Lunch time was spent learning how to play the piano and guitar once again, and dinner was to relax and drink at least 8 fluids of warm water a day. “Baby steps” she tells me. I'm learning more everyday, and I feel like I'm ready to take even bigger steps into the world.

I was getting tired of doing the same old routines. I thought that taking a day for resting would be okay, and she wouldn't notice a thing at all. With a bowl of fresh picked strawberries and blueberries, I turned on the television surfing through channels. I landed on a channel where the people would talk about shitty rumors about celebrities. I know it's pretty stupid to watch this, but I wanted to be entertained for awhile.

The reporter started talking about the Kardashians, Miley Cyrus making bad decisions on stage, Amanda Bynes smoking drugs in a fancy hotel, and Harry Styles hanging out with his girlfriend out on a lunch date and many more locations. I nearly choked on a freaking blueberry when I heard this. It was like knives chopping off your ears.

“Harry Styles has been spotted out hanging out with his new lady friend for weeks! Does this mean Rosie and Harry are over? Check more on our website for details. Sorry to say Rosie Evans, but it looks like you've got competition!” The reporter giggled and said goodbye to end her show.

“Goodbye, bitch!” I whispered to myself.

Not going to lie, my heart began to sting a little. My mind was trying to deny all of the information. No, I didn't cry about it, but it was the way of how she announced it. That's what killed me inside and it sucked.




At the sixth ring I knew he wouldn't answer anymore so I stopped. Calling the others wouldn't help. They would tell Harry that I was trying to call him, then Harry calls me and thinks that I'm too obsessed. And therefore, a brand new argument has started. 

Searching Harry Styles on google killed me even more. Every single media site had her name written all over it. Kally Ross was her name. It was funny because she looked pretty identical to me. The difference? She's there and I'm not. That's the difference.

Pacing around his house, I stared at all the pictures on the wall. The cute ones, the weird ones, the crazy ones. All the pictures was taped up on one wall where he called masterpiece. I lightly grazed my hand over the photos feeling that glossy touch. When my eyes landed on one particular picture, I lost it. I lost all the feelings that were building up every day. Him not calling everyday like he used to. Him not even calling to see how I was doing.

The anger caused me to do something I didn't mean to do. He probably spent hours taping up these pictures that he took. Looking down at the mess I made, the floor was covered with the pictures I ripped off the wall. He was the type of guy that all the girls wanted. He was that guy that made you fall in love with easily. He was the guy that would make your heart melt when he complimented on how beautiful you looked. That guy is Harry.

I sat there sinking in what had just happened. All the pictures he took were ruined. Some were ripped in half, and some were still in perfect condition. Closing my eyes tightly, I hugged my knees tightly to me chest. I want time to pass by fast like he would always tell me. “Enjoy every second Rosie. Times flies by pretty fast.” Of course I would listen, but now I just want to fast forward time.

Remembering Harry StylesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora