Chapter 7: Desperately In Love

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    “Babe?” Harry calls out softly from the door. My eyes peek open to the shining beaming lights from the window. I squint my eyes and stretch out my arms. Harry pushes the door with his leg. He carries a tray with a red rose in a small vase, orange juice, and scrambled eggs with pancakes. A smile curves on my lips as I sit against the wooden headboard frame.

    “What's all this, Styles?” I arch an eyebrow as he gently places the tray over my lap. I slice a piece of the pancake and drop the fork in my mouth. The delicious taste of bread and maple syrup over take my mouth. I let out a helpless moan from how the food tastes as Harry chuckles and sits next to me.

    “But seriously, what's all this for? You rarely wake up early in the morning to make me breakfast,” I admit. Harry shrugs his shoulders and wraps both of his arms around my shoulders. He rests his head against his arm, watching me eat up the food.

    “Nothing, really. I just thought that since you wake up early every morning to cook food for me, this could be my payback. Maybe one day we could open up a restaurant together, yeah? It'll be the best restaurant down the street that will attract everyone. Make all of the other cafes and restaurants run out of business.” I giggle at his remark and sip down my juice.

    Maybe one day we will build a restaurant and knock down all the other famous restaurants and cafes down. It's a possibility with Harry's mouthwatering cooking.

    “Taylor-fucking-Swift?” Leigh curses aloud. She slips into her cropped t-shirt and jean shorts, getting ready for the day. I give her a stern look and nod my head. Ever since I told Leigh about my disliking for Taylor Swift a long time ago, we may have had an argument or two since she was her role-model, but not anymore.

    “So, are you coming with me or not? It's just a one time thing. Plus it'll be great for reopening my career as well! Please, babe? I'll even give you a shout out to the crowd about you. Please? I don't want to make things awkward between Taylor and I, Leigh.” I bat my eyelashes playfully as I try to persuade her. She wraps her up in a messy bun thinking about it in her head.

    “Did Harry teach you to plead when you two were dating? I swear, every time you give me that innocent look, I just feel like I'm rejecting a loss adorable puppy or something. It's ridiculous, Rosie!” I giggle and bite my lip. I give her a tight side hug. She groans and rolls her eyes.

    “Thank you, thank you, thank you! I love you so much, Leigh-Leigh. You won't regret coming. And I don't really know. Maybe it rubbed off on me, maybe it didn't. Who knows?” I strap on my brown sandals and head out out of the bedroom. Since we're spending the whole weekend with the boys, this is the time where I can catch up with the others. Such as Zayn and Liam? I wonder how they're doing.

    “H-Hey!” Harry stutters as we bump into each other in the hallways. I slightly smile.

    “Hey Harry,” I greet.

    “What's up? Wanna take a walk around the beach? Just the two of us.” Harry pouts his bottom lip. Maybe I did get the pleading from him. At least I know that Leigh won't reject me when I do my puppy face. Learned something from Harry that is actually helpful.

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