Chapter 19: The Tour of London

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    Harry unfolded the towel, carefully placing it out on the sand. He throws out a couple pillows and a blanket. I glance up at the navy blue sky, admiring the small glowing white dots called stars. Harry knelt down on the towel as he began to spread out the soft blanket. He patted the spot next to him, his gorgeous smile spread across his lips.

    We left our busy downtown London, and drove to a faraway beach where no one could find us. It was annoying when the paparazzi people would follow us around and snap pictures. Harry didn’t mind if he was out by himself, or with the lads, but when it came to the two of us; he hated people invading our privacy. Privacy was supposed to be spent with no one seeing, watching, or anything really. It was hard to soothe him down and say that I’ll be okay. He knew I felt discomforted when the pictures that people took would be available for everyone to view.

    I sat down next to him, placing my head on his shoulder. He draped an arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer to his embrace. With his free hand, Harry pulled the violet colored duvet over our legs, and slipped us both under so our heads were laid against the fluffy pillows. Silence occupied the air and that was how we liked it. The only noises that were heard are the waves, crickets, and the passage of cars.

    “I like this,” said Harry. I nodded, unable to speak up. I wanted to let everything sink in; the beautiful waves, the gorgeous white sand, the emptiness at the beach. Everything I needed was right in front of me. I glanced up at Harry to see a sight of his beautiful angelic face. His eyelids were shut, so I didn’t get to see his emerald eyes. There was something about him that I adored: he was protective, kind, generous, romantic, flirty, and cheeky.

    For the rest of the night, we spoke less allowing our bodies and eyes to speak for themselves. As morning awoke us, we were horribly greeted by the heavy rain and dark grey clouds. We bundled up all the covers, pillows, and towels up in our hands and rushed to Harry’s range rover car. We sat down in the front, laughing our asses over what happened.


    The hospital released Harry and I on the same day. I haven’t heard from Leigh in a while, and that began to make me worried and concerned. I told Harry about what happened that day, and he was a great guy to sit down and listen to whatever I ranted about. He said that Leigh wasn’t that type of person that would say or do that. Starting to think of it, I’m starting to miss her even if I don’t know her that well. That connection that we had in the hospital room when I woke up was something magical. I may sound cliché, but she seemed more concerned about me than my own parents.

    Mum signs off the papers as I wait in the room with Harry and my dad. “And you’re sure Harry that you’ll be watching my daughter closely? If Rosie calls me complaining about you, then for sure, I’m not letting you see or talk to her ever again.” I sighed, shooting Harry an apologetic smile.

    “I promise you a hundred percent that Rosie is going to be safe with me. Plus, it’s a great way for her to regain her memory back a little.” said Harry. Dad didn’t look satisfied by his words, but the pleaded look on my face made him change his mind.

    Dad chuckles as he looks at me. “Okay, Harry. I believe in you. As for Rosie, you need to let loose and stop causing stress for the poor boy.” I roll my eyes and muttered “okay” I kept glancing at Mum, desperately hoping that she would hurry up with the papers so Dad can stop talking. It’s not that I dislike him, I love him so much; but he’s seriously a non-stop talker. Maybe I got them from him?

    Mum happily walks over to our area. “All papers are signed! Harry, you’ll take good care of my daughter, yeah?” A smile appears on Harry’s lips. He nods his head in reply.

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