Chapter 20: The Moment Of Truth

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    The little blonde toddler grasped Rosie’s leg as she glanced up with a goofy smile across her lips. I watched them from the kitchen, glancing up every now and then to watch the cuteness of Lux and Rosie playing together. Lux has always been a shy towards new people she meets. When she met Rosie, they both had an instant connection. It makes me zone off sometimes and think about what it would be like to have children of my own wandering around the house someday.

    Laugh attacks and giggles escape their lips. Rosie carried Lux over to the kitchen, setting her carefully on the brown wooden chair. I began to slice up bananas and strawberries into small pieces for Lux to snack on before she heads to bed. Rosie dips her hand into the small bowl, picking up a strawberry and placing it in her mouth. I flashed her a smile as I passed over the bowl to Lux. Lux muttered a soft thank you, grabbing a handful of bananas and stuffing them in her mouth.

    It was one of those nights where Lou planned to have a girl’s night out with her friends and to go clubbing. Rosie and I didn’t have any plans for the next few days, so we decided to watch her daughter while she stayed out and lived her life.

    Lux laid her head against Rosie’s lap. A type of animation cartoon played on the television to entertain Lux until her eyes would get heavy. Slowly, her head perked up. Lux raised her arms in the air, making airplane noises. Rosie smoothed down her hair, leaning down a bit to place a sloppy kiss on the tip of her nose. “You tired yet buttercup?” Rosie asked.

    Lux shook her head. “No. Yesterday, Mummy showed me a princess Cinderella movie before bed.” Lux looked over at me and smirked, “Is Uncle Harry your prince?”

    Rosie immediately smiled, nodding her head in reply. “Of course Harry is my prince. One day Lux, you’ll meet a prince that will treat you just like Cinderella. I know it.” A rosy tint rose to Lux's cheeks as she giggled. She crawled off of Rosie’s lap and headed to her bedroom to sleep.

    I scooted closer to Rosie, laying my head against her lap just as Lux did not so long ago. I caressed her cheeks, admiring her angelic features. Her eyes were hazel; the color of the coffee I order at Starbucks every morning. Her soft pink plump lips that I can kiss all day, and how she crinkles her nose when she giggles. She was adorable.

    “You know what I love?” I asked.


    “You.” I smiled, “And your eyes.”

    She giggled. “You’re really weird Harold. That’s why I like you.”

    “I know. I won’t stop being weird.” I said.

                                     Harry’s point of view. 

    My body shifted around in bed to find its perfect position. If I could sleep all day without waking up, I would. Slowly, my eyes awakened and stared at the bright red digital clock that read 6:35 A.M. This morning, I managed to plan a quick get together to talk to Taylor about our relationship. I wanted to make it clear that I only liked her as a close friend. The only girl that would be locked up inside my mind is Rosie.

    My mission was to keep Rosie safe from the paparazzi’s and cameras following her everywhere. At least to keep her safe for a few months until she is able to handle the world on her own. The conflict and arguments that we had in the past is too early to come back and haunt us. It could be possible that our arguments are a way of saying “I love you,” but that is a whole different relationship.

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