Chapter 12: Announcements

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   Harry slips his hand in mine as he tries his best to show every guy on the street who owns me. His mantis green colored beanie is placed on my brunette hair that cascades over my shoulders. As a gentleman, he opens the cafe door, gesturing his hand to lead me inside. Caffeine beans and a variety of pastries are inhaled through my nostrils. Heads are shifted to our direction as Harry stands behind me. A young teenage boy with light brown curly hair walks up to the counter. A smile is spread across his lips as he welcomes us to the cafe shop.

   “Two chocolate mocha’s, please.” Harry orders. He slips out the euros from his jeans pockets and hands it over to the young boy. The young boy hands Harry the receipt and rushes over to the machine to make the two chocolate mocha’s. 

   A group of teenagers enter the cafe acting like they ‘own’ the place. Pants are being sagged down to their ankles, shirts are dangled low, and high top expensive sneakers are worn. A simple disgusted look plants on my face. Harry slips his arm around my waist pulling me close to his embrace. An eyebrow arches with curiosity. Harry shakes his head, curls bouncing in the air. I shrug my shoulders, glancing at the group of teenage boys with their eyes roaming my body from head to toe.

   “They’re clearly undressing you with their eyes. Can we just leave before I do something I will regret?” Harry whispers. I shake my head in reply. He sighs and glances at the boys one last time. I could feel him getting heated and annoyed.

   “Nice piece of arse.” Murmurs one of the boys. That sends Harry ticked and way past annoyed and heated. His arm is not wrapped around my waist. I no longer feel his body standing next to him. The young boy passes over our mocha’s. Quickly, I mutter a thank you and usher over to Harry to stop him from hitting anyone.

   “Say you’re sorry.” Harry demands.


   Harry bites his lip hard. I pass over his mocha and plead my eyes for him to stop. He’s not that little innocent cupcake Harry I know anymore. It scares me to his dark side. The group of boys finally sees the look on Harry and i’s faces.

   “S-Sorry, ma’am. We’ll be leaving now.” They quickly scatter out of the cafe and run to the park. Harry’s lips curve into a grin. I smack his arm, rolling my eyes as I giggle.

   “Thank you.” I smile, sipping on my warm mocha.

   “Any time, babe. I’ll even take Channing Tatum if he flirts with you.” I spit tick my mocha as I look at him shocked. Harry shakes his head chuckling away.

   As my eyes roam through the pieces of clothing on hangers, someone lightly taps my shoulder. I shift around to a sight of a young teenager clutching one of my albums and a sharpie in her hand. Politely, I smile and sign my signature. A smile is spread across her face. I could tell she was excited to greet me since her hands were shaking uncontrollably as she handed over the sharpie.

   “Thank you so much, Rosie! Can you please follow me on twitter?” I tare a piece of paper out of my bag and watch her scribble her twitter username on the paper. She runs over to her group of friends snapping a quick picture of me. I wave my hands and resume looking through clothes.

   My manager called me last night announcing that I was going to present one of the nominees in the Billboard awards. Sadly, I wasn’t nominated in any category, but it’s a pleasure to present an award. She also mentioned that I was going to share the stage with someone else, just didn’t exactly know who.

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