Chapter 5: Regret

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    “Why not?” Harry argues back.

    Considering the fact that I don't know how to swim, and afraid of the chances of drowning in the cold blue ocean, I lay peacefully on my towel and let the sun tan my body a few shades darker. Harry's pleading and puppy dog faces makes me hesitant of rejecting him.

    “Don't you know that tanning in the sun can give you skin cancer or something? Please, babe? I won't let you go. I promise I'll be holding you securely. It's the fifth time I took you the beach, and you didn't go near the water once. Is there something wrong?” I slightly crack up a smile, and nod my head.

    “I don't know how to swim.” I confess. Harry grins and sits next to me on the beach towel. He takes my hand, gently tracing patterns on the thumb, and leans down kissing the tip of my nose. I crinkle my nose up and giggle loudly.

    “So does Zayn. Don't tell him I told you that?” He pouts his bottom lip.

    “Promise, but I'm still not going in the water. Not in a billion years, Harold.”

    “Your fear is drowning isn't it?” I glance up at him. Drowning is one of my fears. One of my aunts died while she was away on Hawaii for vacation. She told her nieces and nephews how she always dreamed of swimming in a warm weather temperature, while swimming away in paradise. When we received the news from her boss that she drowned from rough and harsh waves taking away her soul and body. I love coming to the beach to see sunsets and watch other people have the time of their lives, but I'll always be afraid of that water calling out my name of horror.

    “One day you’re going to have faced all your fears. Is this about your aunt, babe?” I nod my head, shyly. He scoots closer to me, wrapping his arms around my waist securely. He brings his head on my shoulder, gently rubbing my sides with his hands.

    “I know I'll face them one day. But please, Harry. I don't want it to happen today,” I plead him. Harry stays silent, and stops rubbing my sides. In a swift, fast move, he picks me up bridal style, running over to the water. I clutch my grip on his shoulders, closing my eyes, and trying to see a view of a happy place. A cold wetness hugs around my body making me shiver in his arms.

    Harry lowers me down in the water, but remains his arms around my waist to keep me close. My eyelids slowly open and stare up at his green ones that look down at my fearless ones. I hug him tightly, lips curving upwards to a bright smile.

    “Still scared of drowning, Rosie?”

    “No,” I whisper, “Thank you.”

    My long wavy beach curls dangle over my shoulders as I twirl around childishly. It’s crazy how the cold weather a few days ago went away, and became super-hot the next. Leigh lays her head on the plush pillow, clutching tightly on her pink pig pillow pet. Being lazy as she is, she insisted on not getting ready until she felt like it. Ever since that accident with Harry and me two years ago, she lived here with me to make sure I didn't become negative about myself or starve to death. If she wasn't here to protect me, I would have been buried in the ground by now.

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