Don't Hesitate

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Dinah's POV

I walk out of the kitchen dramatically, trying to hide my smirk. I hear footsteps rushing behind me. I glance behind me and see Normani doing the same thing as me, trying not to laugh out loud. 

We both walk into my room and Normani quickly shuts the door. She looks at me and we both burst out laughing hysterically. 

"That was so good Mani, did you see her face Mani?" I whisper yell.

"Dinah that was great. She really thinks we're upset with each other. I kind of feel bad though." She says pouting.

"Please don't tell me you're having second thoughts about our plan." I say raising an eyebrow.

Mani gets up and begins pacing back and forth, in deep thought. She turns to me with a lit up expression like she just came up with a bright idea. "How about we just let Ally in on the plan? I hate keeping things away from her" She pouts.

"Mani you know damn well Ally can't keep a secret, especially one about getting revenge on Y/N. I can't deal with her having a guilty conscience." 

She shrugs and an evil smirk creeps on her face. "Y/N and Lauren won't know what hit them."


Ella carefully walks towards our table with a martini in each hand. She sits down and sets the drinks on the table. I quickly grab one before Kehlani or Zendaya can reach for it. 

"Girl fuck you" Kehlani exclaims and Zendaya sticks up both of her middle fingers at me.

I chuckle and sip my drink.

"So what's been going on with you ladies lately?" Ella ask looking around the table.

I let the other girls answer first before I tell them about what happened with Lauren and Normani.

Zendaya perks up "I have a date tonight!" 

"Oh shit with who?" Kehlani raises an eyebrow.

Zendaya's eyes shift towards me and she quickly looks down.

"Oh don't hesitate to tell now, you were just so excited." I state.

"I have a date with Dinah." She says without looking up.

My eyes widen and I make eye contact with Ella, we share the same look. I pick my drink up and gulp it down. Ella smirks to herself and scratches her head.

"Y/N don't you hate her?" Kehlani giggles

I give Kehlani a blank stare then I look at Zendaya, who is already looking at me trying to read my expression.

"How did this happen?" I ask

"Well she dm me first and we started flirting then she asked me on a date." Zendaya shrugs.

Ella holds back a smile and picks up her drink.

"Well have fun on your date." I say smiling.


5 Hours Later Y/N's POV

Normani text me saying to dress nice and that we're going to eat at a fancy restaurant so you already know I dressed to impress. (a/n: I'm not going to describe your outfit because I don't know how y'all dress)

I meet her outside the restaurant and we look each up and down. 

"You look amazing" I say taking in her beauty.

"Thanks Y/N, you look amazing as well." she laughs and grabs my hand.

We get placed at a table with an incredible view. I pull Normani's chair out for her before I sit down.

"So Y/N how are you?" she ask trying to make conversation.

"I'm doing great. How are you?" I respond.

"Life is going pretty grea-" she gets cut off by her phone getting a text. She mumbles hold on and text back quickly.

She looks back up and smiles at me "Sorry about that it won't happen again"

"Its fine" I say.

As soon as I say that we get interrupted again by the last person I wanted to see.

"Hey guys!" Dinah shouts, Zendaya stands behind her with an annoyed expression on her face.

Normani stands up and hugs Dinah tightly "Hey Dinah, what are you doing here?"

Yeah Dinah, What the hell are you doing here? 

"Zendaya and I are on a date . I decided to take her here." Dinah replies to Normani. I put my head down annoyed that this is even going on.

"Well great minds think alike, Y/N and I are on a date too. How about you two ladies join us?"

My head shoots up and Zendaya says exactly whats on my mind "Oh no you two look like you want some privacy, we don't want to intrude." I nod my head in agreement.

Normani shakes her head. "Please Y/N and  I insist. Pull some chairs up and lets make this a group thing."

Normani looks at me and smiles as they bring extra chairs to the table. Zendaya sits down next to Dinah with a defeated look on her face.

Dinah looks across the restaurant and her face lights up "Oh Ty and Lauren are here too!"

Normani claps excitedly and stands up waving Lauren and Ty over. They begin to make their way over. I clench my jaw, trying to stay calm.

"Come join us!" Dinah exclaims.

Ty smiles and pulls two chairs up for him and Lauren. "Hey ladies, what a coincidence!" he looks around the table. Lauren looks at me while sitting down.

"Were you two on a date or something?" Zendaya ask

Ty grabs Lauren's hand "Yes, I just got back in town and I decided to take my girlfriend out to eat. Normani and Dinah suggested this place actually."

I raise my eyebrows. Girlfriend? I don't know about him but I damn sure wouldn't want my girlfriend acting how Lauren was while he was away. 

"I didn't know you had a boyfriend Lauren" I say

"You never asked, Y/N" She says faking a smile.

Normani and Dinah perk up, sharing a mischievous look. Dinah chuckles "I understand why you would be under the impression that Lauren was single Y/N"

Ty looks at Dinah confused "Wait what does that mean?"

Dinah opens her mouth to respond but she gets cut off by Lauren "Nothing babe, Dinah is just talking."

Normani speaks up "Oh she isn't just talking sweety, she was probably going to tell Ty what happened with you and Y/N while he was gone." 

I choke on my drink and Normani rubs my back.

Ty loosens the bandana around his neck and looks at Lauren and then at me. "Wanna tell me what happened to make Y/N assume you were single."

Lauren laughs nervously. "Where's the waiter? its taking forever"

Ty flares his nostrils and clenches his jaw. "I asked you a question Lauren"

Normani jumps in "I honestly can understand why Y/N might have thought she was single. I remember walking in on them having a  heated  makeout session."

"Really Mani-" I get cut off by Dinah

"As a matter of fact, Lauren weren't you just at Y/N's place ?" Dinah says stirring up the pot even more.

Lauren doesn't answer and her eyes begin to water. Dinah answers the question herself "Ah...that explains the hickeys on Y/N's neck."

I can't take this anymore. I get up and begin to walk away. I hear Ty call my name so I look back. He grabs my shoulders and headbutts me. 

Everything goes black.

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