I'll Teach You

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When I asked Normani to give me another chance and to let me take her out on a date I should've thought about it first. I don't have anything planned and now we're just sitting in my living room watching some random boring ass movie on Netflix.

I don't want to do anything cliche like going to the movies or to a fancy restaurant. Since we work so hard all of the time I think of something fun to do.

Suddenly a light bulb goes off in my head. I look over at Normani and she looks so bored. Now I feel bad because we went through the whole Lauren situation and she forgave me for missing our date. Then to fix everything I take her to my penthouse and watch Netflix. She must think I'm the worst date ever.

"Mani put your shoes on we're leaving." I say standing up.

"We're not even halfway through the movie Y/N. If you want to get rid of me at least wait for the movie to be over." She rolls her eyes putting her shoes on.

"I'm not getting rid of you. I'm taking you on a real date." I grab her hand and walk out the door.

I make a face,"Do you really think I'm that rude?"

She looks down,"No I just thought you wanted to take me home because we weren't" she pauses her sentence and and makes a strange hand motion.

I don't get it,"Normani I don't understand what you're trying to say."

She puts her face in her palm of her hands in frustration,"Y/N you're such a huge star. I thought you wanted to...you know, when you brought me back to your house and just put on Netflix."

I shake my head, disgusted that she would even think I only wanted her for sex when I  brought her back to my house and only put on Netflix. She must hate me now.

I keep my eyes on the road."Mani i'm sorry I made you think that. Its just I didn't think you would believe me when we met at the restaurant, so I didn't really have a chance to plan a date."

She laughs,"that makes sense."

We arrive at the place and get out the car. She stops walking and I look at her wondering why.

"You took me to a roller skating place?" she looks at me.

I should've just asked what she wanted to do instead of trying to be cute and surprising her.

I look down and start playing with the hem of my shirt,"You don't like it?"

Normani laughs,"Y/N I love it." She grabs my hand and starts walking towards the door.

I let out a breathe I didn't even know I was holding.

We go inside and pay for our skates. People start to notice us and get their phones out to take pictures of me and Normani together.

"I should've thought about this." I say to myself.

"I don't mind, its okay." Normani reassures me.

We both put our skates on and I grab Normani's hand. She looks at our hands and I quickly move mine.

"I'm sorry, I just needed to hold something to keep my balance." I say.

"Y/N its fine. Stop worrying so much about everything." She smiles and starts skating ahead of me.

I stay put. She turns around,"Y/N come on"

I scratch the back of my neck and let out a nervous chuckle still not moving,"I don't really know how."

She smirks, trying not to laugh at me then skates back to my direction and grabs my hand."I'll teach you."


After many falls and failed attempts at skating, I sit at a table with a group of fans, signing autographs. Normani is with another group of fans still skating.

A girl around 9 ask me to sign her arm cast.

"Girl I was looking all over this place for you. How did you even get over here with all of these people?" I hear a woman yell at the girl.

I finish signing her cast and look up at the lady yelling at her. I must admit, she is gorgeous.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't even think to see if she had a parent around." I apologize.

She laughs,"I'm definitely not her parent. This is my niece, Jada. I'm Tatiana." She holds her hand out for me to shake.

I shake her hand,"Its nice to meet you."

Normally I would just sign the autograph and get it over with, but there's something about Tatiana that makes me want to see her again.

"I don't want this to be the last time we meet. Can I get your number?" I ask.

Jada crosses her arms,"Are you trying to get with my auntie-"

Tatiana puts her hand over Jada's mouth and speaks for herself,"Yes you can have my number." She says smiling innocently.

I give her my phone and she puts her number in.

Normani finally comes to where I am and sits down. Tatiana hands me back my phone,"Ok I've got to go but i'll be waiting for your call." she winks at me and walks away with Jada.

Normani looks at me,"What was that?"

I grab her hand."Just a fan that's all. You ready to go?"

Normani nods her head still eyeing me, letting me know that this isn't over.

It Could Be US (Normani / You)Where stories live. Discover now