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"Y/N, wake up it's 1' o clock in the afternoon" I hear somebody say.

I roll over and see Ella's annoying ass sitting on my bed. Now Ella and I have been friends 4 years and in that time we've spent a lot of it together. With that being said, she should know that I am not a morning person. At all.

I sit up and stare at Ella, a blank expression on my face. She notices my glare and walks out of my damn room. I get dressed and ready then go into the kitchen where Ella is. She looks at me and smiles "I made you breakfast." I love it when Ella smiles. She can be a pain in my ass sometimes but she is one beautiful girl and a great friend.

I feel something vibrating and I reach into my pocket and pull out my phone. Its Kehlani trying to facetime me.

I answer the phone and see a smiling Kehlani "Hey Y/N, what you up to? cuz im back in LA"

I think for a second and I realize that my schedule is clear "I'm free today." My voice still raspy because I just woke up.

"Really? The famous Y/FN is free today?" she jokes. I shake my head because I'm always busy since my career has blown up.

After a little more talking on facetime with Kehlani.

I get a text from Dinah. I instantly smile because since i've first met the girl group Dinah has been the only one to actually try and be my friend, sort of.

Dinah😍🙌: You want to meet up at the studio today?

Dinah😍🙌: Wait nvm sorry. If you want you can just come to our place.

2:01 pm

I text her back that meeting her at her place was fine. I'm actually tired of seeing the damn studio. I look up from my phone and see that Ella is writing something down. I walk behind her and peek over her shoulder. What the hell is this girl writing?

I gave you everything that every man says he wants

I cooked, I cleaned, I ironed your jeans, I was the one

I would listen to you when you sound stupid

Treat you like a winner even when you're losing

Now you got me feeling like shooting Cupid

Cause you did me wrong

She must be writing a song. It seems pretty good, from what I see. I walk back to where I was before I talk so she won't notice I saw what she was writing "Ella, that girl group that we saw yesterday wants us to meet them at their spot. Wanna come?"

She looks up from her writing and shrugs her shoulders,"Yea sure lets go"

Dinah texted me the address and we drove to the house, It was a quick drive because it wasn't too much traffic. When we arrived at the house the door was unlocked so we just walked right in. When we walked in the house, Ella and I could hear Dinah's voice,

"Mani really? I get it, you have a slight crush on her because she's cute. But that doesn't mean I can't be friends with her, she seems really cool."

"You know what? I don't even care anymore, do what you gotta do Dinah" I hear the girl, Mani from yesterday say.

After that I hear footsteps coming toward us. An angry looking Mani came in the room, with Dinah trailing not too far behind. As soon as Mani's eyes fall on me, its like she got even angrier. I decide to try and lighten up her mood by trying to be nice

"Hi Mani, you look beautiful today" I say, honestly.

For a second I thought I saw Mani smile a bit, but she shut that down when she said,"Its Normani to you." And with that she rolled her eyes, and walked right past me out the door  slamming it shut.

I meet Dinah's big brown eyes and she seems sorry for me. But Ella and I just start laughing at the whole situation. Big Mad or Lil Mad?

Dinah finally catches on that we don't care and shakes her head. Smiling slightly. "Come on I want to properly introduce you to the rest of the girls."

Ella makes a face "If they're all like Normani i'm good"

Dinah looks at us both,"They're sweet girl and Normani isn't usually like what you saw today"

Maybe Dinah's right. Not everybody opens up to people that they just met. We follow Dinah upstairs and into a room. When we walk in everybody stops what they're doing and start smiling like crazy, trying to act natural.

After Dinah introduced us to all of the girls, we were all working on a song in the back yard. So far we came up with nothing. While humming I stare at my blank notebook paper.

"Wait Y/N, do that again" Ally says

I hum the same thing over again and now, all the girls are looking at me with a sparks in their eyes.

Lauren looks behind me and her facial expression changed. I turn around to see what she was looking at. Normani.

Normani comes to where we are and sits down next to Ally. She looks around at everybody including me "What you guys working on?"

The girls all start talking at once, and I space out staring at Normani with that same tune in my head that I just hummed, the pencil still in my hand. After a while, the girls and I notice that I have two pages down. Dinah smiles and grabs my notebook then reads the first verse out loud

The things that I would do to you with just a couple seconds

I would color every moment, make you feel like it's forever

I'm comin' over, so you can start undressin'

I'm givin' you a chance to finally make a good impression on me, yeah

On me, I'll make you feel like it's forever

I have all that written down, with the word Pigment at the top of the page. I didn't even realize that I was writing this down.

All I could think about was Normani and her beauty. How good she looked in this backyard setting. The flowers in the background filling up most of the extra space.Only her heart, empty. I just wanted to color all of it it. Make it feel like its forever.

My thoughts were interrupted when Ella cleared her throat "Um, Y/N and I will take this to the studio and make it into something. Thank you guys for helping us out. We've been having a bit of writer's block."

And with that we were headed to the studio. Eventually Ella got tired and left me there to work on the song alone. I ended up staying and working on that song all night.I didn't even mind. I actually enjoyed doing it.

All I could think about was Normani. Even when she treated me like she hated me. I wanted to finish this song. I wanted to make her feel what I feel, through this song. Maybe I can change the way she feels about me with it and make her feel like that forever .

It Could Be US (Normani / You)Where stories live. Discover now