Celebrity Friends

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(A/N: your studio)

This irritating noise wakes me up out of my beautiful sleep and I'm ready to punch a damn hole into the wall. I look over at my nightstand, by my bed and see my phone lighting up. Just before I grab it the damn thing stops ringing. I roll my eyes and look at who called. Ella. I unlock my phone and call her back

After two rings Ella picks up "Y/N, who is Dinah Jane?" I hear as soon as she picks up.

I pull the phone away from my ear and look at the time "Girl, I know you did not just wake me up out of my good ass sleep to ask me about somebody you could have just googled." After I say that I hear her breath heavily, with an attitude. I don't have time for this . Right before I'm about to hang up I get a text from Ella. I open up the message and see a screenshot of a picture, with me and that girl from last night.

"Y/N, you still there?" Ella says, scaring the living shit out of me. I totally forgot she was there.

I put the phone back to my ear "Yea I'm still here. That girl is a fan I took a picture with in the parking lot, after you and I got done in the studio. What about her? I take pictures with fans all the time"

I regret asking that question because as soon as I said it Ella screamed "WHAT ABOUT HER?!" I pull the phone away from my ear for a second so she can calm her ass down. When I feel like she's calmed down I put the phone back to my ear "Dinah Jane is apart of a HUGE girl group, Fifth Harmony. When you were leaving did you see her with the other girls in the group?"

I take a second to try and remember. "She was only with three other girls." I say

"Then you my friend, saw Fifth Harmony" Ella says proudly on the phone.

Wait hol' up. I think for a second, about the whole situation "I guess I only saw most of the group then, it was four girls altogether."

"Its only four girls in the group, Y/N " she says like its the most obvious thing in the world.

I make a weird face"Then why the hell is the group called Fifth Harmony?" I wait a second for a reply but I hear nothing. I look at the phone. She really just hung up on me. I get a text from Ella again

Ella Mai : Get ready for lunch i'll see you soon 12:41 pm

Me:K.You didn't have to hang up on me though smh. 12:42 pm

After I get ready I leave the house and meet Ella at Fred 62. When I walk in I see Ella sitting waiting for me. I walk towards her, still salty that she hung up on me. I sit across from her and look her over "You look cute today" I compliment.

She made a face "Today? I look cute always."

I roll my eyes "Girl bye, learn how to take a compliment."

The waitress came and and we ordered our food. When she came back she smiled at me, making her dimples show "I hope you enjoy your meal."She winked at me then walked away. Ella rolled her eyes and looked down at her phone.

"I just got a text, the studio is open. You wanna go?" Ella says

"Yeah I guess I should start working on my second album." I say not really wanting to go because I just got finished my tour. I just wanna relax.

Ella noticed "You sure? I mean we don't have to go."

I roll my eyes, I hate having to repeat myself "Yea lets go"

After we got done eating the same waitress came back and gave us the bill, and her number. When we were walking out when she wasn't looking I threw it in the garbage. Im not interested. Not because she is a female, I'm bi. But because she was too easy. When people are too easy its because they know who I am, a semi-famous singer.

On our way there, we played Kendrick Lamar's song, Humble. This got us hype so when we arrived at the building, we were a ratchet mess. I walked up to the guy at the front desk and asked for our studio number. Studio 217. We head to the studio and walk in. When we got there, the recording engineer and my assistant, Drew were already there.

After a few hours, I started to grow frustrated. I write my own songs, that's how i like it. But I couldn't think of anything. I put my notebook on the table and put my head in my hands. While my eyes are covered I hear the studio door open.

"People are already in here, Mani" I hear somebody whisper yell. Even though everybody that I was with in the studio was talking and a beat my producer made was playing, I still heard this. I look towards where I was hearing the voice come from. I see a short girl, with blonde hair lightly tugging on an extremely attractive dark skin girl.

A few seconds later, the girls get pushed over by another raven haired girl. Then she got pushed by the girl I remember from the other day, Dinah.

By now they notice me watching them. They all start to freak out and speak at once

"Its Y/FN"

"Duh, act natural"

"Why are they in our studio?" The girl, Mani asked.

I get up and walk toward them, Ella followed me. I look at Mani and start talking to her since she's the one that seems to have a problem,"Um we got a text earlier, from these guys that the studio wasn't occupied today." Pointing at my team.

I notice her look me up and down, the other girls analyzing me too, just not as much as her. She finally speaks up "Well its not."

Um excuse the fuck outta me. For somebody that was just eye humping me, that kind of tone is unnecessary. Normally I would've checked her, but since she was fine as hell and I was having a good day, I let it slide.

Since we've been in the studio for really long anyway I told my crew to wrap it up. I could feel Ella giving me the side eye. "What girl, damn?"

"You just let her punk you out your studio session" she said while smirking.

I ignore her and get ready to leave. I must be having a really good day. Right before I head out the door Dinah quickly walks up to me "Wait Y/n, can I get your number?"

Normani gives her the side eye, and I make a weird face. Why does she need my number? Dinah rolls her eyes noticing our reactions "Not like that, like for a collab one day maybe?"

"Sure why not" I say

She hands me her phone and I put my number in. Dinah smiles and I smile back. She's really pretty too. Normani clears her throat and Dinah hugs me goodbye. I leave with Ella and head back to my penthouse. As soon as we get through the door Ella screams "Movie night!"

She can be really annoying, but that's my girl. When we get settled down and pick a movie, Scary Movie 3. I get a text message from an unknown number.

*Random Number*: This is Dinah from the studio. I gave the other girls your number. Hope you don't mind. 10:16 pm

Me: Hey Dinah. I don't mind 10:18 pm

Dinah: Cue's Usher music. lol 10:19 pm

Dinah: Ok that was really corny. Bye.

I giggle to myself and put my phone away so I can finish watching the movie. I guess having some celebrity friends won't hurt.

A/N: Double update because I don't want y'all to just read one chapter.lol.

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