Dresses and Dates

Start from the beginning

            “That’s great!” I hugged her.

            “Anyways, you should see Victoire and Minnie in their dresses. They’re just amazing.” She walked away from me and knocked on a dressing room door. “Victoire! Show Paige your dress!” She knocked on another. “You too, Minnie!”

            The doors opened and each girl stepped out. Minnie was in a strapless pink and white dress that absolutely gorgeous on her. The top was pink with a silver design on it and the bottom was white with a pink floral design. It suited her perfectly. Victoire was in a long blue halter dress that had layers from the waist down and a silver design on the top. She was stunning and I knew Teddy would faint when he saw her; if he already hadn’t seen her. I grinned happily at both girls and said, “You two are stunning.”

            “Thanks.” They beamed.

            “Teddy almost died when he saw me.” Victoire said.

            “I figured he would.” I laughed.

            “Paige, you look so good.” Prudence’s voice said and I looked over at her. She was in a peach colored, long dress that had flowers at the top. She looked pretty and was probably the only girl in the world who could pull off that dress.

            “So do you.” I faked a smile.

            “Thanks.” She grinned. “Do you think Max will like it?”

            My heart stopped and I choked on my nest questions, “You’re going with Max?”

            She nodded. “Yeah. He asked me last night.”

            I raised an eyebrow. “He did?”

            “Yeah. So do you think he’ll like it?”

            I nodded out of having nothing else to do from the shock I was in and I barely said, “Yeah. He’ll like it.”

            She smiled. “Good.” She went back into her dressing room and closed the door.

            I turned back to my mum, Melinda, Victoire, and Minnie and they looked at me with pity in their eyes. “Paige, I’m sorry.” Victoire said.

            Tears filled my eyes and I said, “Why should you be sorry? You have Teddy and Melinda has Fred and Minnie had whoever she’s going with and I don’t have Max like always. I’ll just go with Darren and it’ll be ok.” I went into my dressing room and took off my dress as I held back tears and got back on my jeans, sweater, coat, scarf, hat, and shoes and went out there with the dress. “I’m gonna head back.” I handed Mum my dress. “Can you just give my dress to Melinda? I just want to go.”

            Mum nodded. “Of course, Sweetie. Write me if you need anything else.”

            “Ok.” I said and headed out the door.

            I couldn’t stop the tears from coming once I was outside. I figured Max would ask Prudence but the fact that it actually happened broke my heart. Maybe he would never love me like everyone was saying and I would have to settle with Darren or whoever else. This was just perfect. My tears blocked my vision and I ran into someone and fell to the ground. Perfect. I really needed to be kicked while I was already down. A pair of hands picked me up and a familiar voice asked, “Are you ok?”

            “I’m fine, Darren.” I wiped tears away and looked at him. He looked concerned and I knew he would want a better explanation. “Just having the worst day ever.”

            “What happened?” He asked.

            I took a deep breath and said, “Max asked Prudence to the ball.” I answered and rolled my teary eyes. “I don’t know why I’m upset. I knew this was gonna happen.”

            He rubbed my shoulders. “You have every reason to be upset. You love him.”

            “Like that’s a good reason anymore.”

            “It is. And it’s his loss for not asking you. And we’ll have to show him that.”

            “So we’re going together?”

            He smiled. “You bet.”


Hope you like it! Got it up sooner than expected and waiting for your comments <3

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