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As if Ryan's internship wasn't hectic enough, the president of the Interspecies Ethics Council (IEC), cracked all news cycles to deliver this year's (the 24th annual) report. Despite the Capitol's claims of kindness toward and equal care for the smaller souls that also called the world home, the IEC insisted that progress had actually gone into retrograde. 

Ryan's place of work was fuming for various reasons as soon as the live presentation was over, most of the employees believing it was false propaganda. As his shift was over for the day and being an econ/poli-sci double major, Ryan would usually chime up the completely-opposite-in-education Justin and other members of their university's chapter of the IEC Students Organization for proper discourse. But, because Justin's baseball practice, just a few days before the conference game, had probably started already, Ryan was going to wait until tonight. 

Going to. 

Finding a little dude scavenging in a recently spilled ice cream cone -definitely by choice, hopefully not need, with all of the sweetness on his underside and not his back - was too big of a statement and verification to keep down.    

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