Diamond in the Rough

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(SCENE: Inside of a foundry in an office. Controversial decor decorates one wall. A man, A, calls Enigma Magazine to tell the tale of a girl, C, now under his care that had gone missing and gone small. The interviewer, B, arrived moments ago.)

A: I don't like you lookin' at me like that, Omeika.

B: Like what, Kyle?

A: All accusatory and shit. I haven't done anything to her.

B: I know that. You'd have a lot of nerve to do so and let her explain the recent life she's lived.

A: I haven't let her do anything! This was her-!

B: Besides, if I ever did think you'd do anything suspect, shrinking would be the *looks to the adornments on the side wall* least of my worries.

A: *follows her gaze and groans* Those have nothing to do with you.

B: I'd dare you to tell my ancestors that.

A: I would if I could. Damn it. Coming here and throwing predispositions around at first glance. I didn't know it'd be someone like you to show up.

B: Well, this 'someone like me' has a cousin that's been missing as long as her and from around the same area. There's a chance she and he are connected, so I felt obligated to do anything to get him... and anyone else in this crisis back!

A: Whoa, now! I'm not gonna stop you, and these decorations shouldn't, either.

B: Hmph. Fine.

A: *sigh* But, *presses a button on a keychain sensor* they can be put out of the equation for now.

B: *looks back to the wall to see a team bring a canvas in front of it, shielding the decor from view* You didn't have to do that.

A: I know.

B: Uh, thank you.

A: Whatever to get the interview done. *looks at cupped hand* Are you ready, little lady?

C: *adjusting the washcloth wrapped around her* Uh, y-yeah.

B: *also looks* Don't worry. Anything you don't want told will be left unheard. I vow that you are safe with me, miss... Um, I'm sorry, what's your name?

C: *still adjusting* The one I've been called or the one I was born with?

B: *looks up to Kyle, accusingly* What does that mean?

A: *raises his head, putting the free hand up in defense* H-Hey! That was before me, I swear. She hasn't given me any name to go on, either. All I know is that she first reacted to me at 'Sunny' or 'Sunset.' I just said 'em 'cause that's how it was outside when I found her, and that's how I've addressed her since.

B: *looks back to her* Is that okay, then? Sunset... or Sunny?

C: *eventually chooses to discard her cloth, letting it fall and reveal her bare body, surprisingly unmarked* Yes. Either is fine, but...

B: But, what, sweetheart?

C: Kayla... Kayla's been coming to mind, lately. Not sure why...

A: Is that your birth name?

C: *looks up* I don't know. Maybe. I like it, though. B-But, I like Sunny, too; all the Sun names, really. You missed Sunshine... and Sunflower... and Sunbeam--

A: *laughs* I guess I did. *looks up* Calling her Kayla might be helpful in finding a family, hers or anyone else's.

B: Well, then, Kayla, may I ask you something? *waits for a nod* Why are you naked?

C: *eyes grow large before subsiding to blankness* I have needs, Ms. Norman.

--Omeika Norman for Enigma Magazine, November 2X, 20XX 

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