I cried the rest of the night, I ended up sleeping over my sisters house since this was too much for me. She let me sleep with her in bed and let me cry over her shoulder the whole night. She's the best sister I could ask for.

The next morning I woke up and thought everything was a dream. But it wasn't. Last night just hit me again. The whole situation and how it happened. I turn over and reach for my phone on the dresser to check it and there's no texts. I also noticed that Leah deleted the snaps that she took of me last night from our date. Is she done with me? I feel like I messed up instead of her this time. We were doing so well in the past month. Me, her, Sofia and Emme got closer as a whole. It felt like we were all family. Now this? I really just want to talk to her but the pain is stopping me cause all I do is cry whenever I think about it.

I stayed in bed the whole day. Lynda took care of Emme. I just watched tv all fucking day. Hugging onto a pillow and crying onto it at times during the day. I even took naps. I didn't feel like doing anything at all.
Leah's pov

I feel like I'm just a joke. I really trusted Jennifer. The fact that she cheated on me. Me to be exact...I don't get it. She was so in love with me. What happened? Was she just doing it to make me happy? Cause that worked. I don't even know if it happened when we were broken up or together but who cares. She should've been careful and used protection knowing she has a daughter. She's dumb for that. I hate to say that but she is. I cant believe someone like her would do this. I shouldn't be surprised though. She's the whole package everyone would want to mess with. She's gorgeous, cute, sexy, her curves, her ass, the way she flirts..it gets you so easily when she flirts. Well at least for me from what I've experienced. I have so many questions for her but I don't even want to see her before I start crying again. My heart is so broken apart. At least when I broke her heart..it wasn't as bad as how she broke mine.

Jennifer hasn't texted me all day today. That's a first. I haven't answered anything she's sent me. She wants to talk and so do I. But that's not happening. I don't want to deal with some hoe. I'm tired of getting hurt. I mean I did that to her but I did it for a good reason. This..this just...I don't know. I've always been scared of this type of heart break. She's the only woman whose made me feel so deeply in love. She's the only woman who I actually saw in my future. I always thought..one day I'd marry her and me, her, Emme and Sofia would be family because everything just goes so well..now what? I don't even want sofia to hang out with Emme. It'll just bring me and Jennifer back. I'll fall back in love with that fucking hoe and fuck up my feelings. I mean I still love her. It's not easy for me to just take her out of my life. She's helped me get my life back together. It's like I shouldn't even be mad at her because she's done so much for me.
It was a Monday. I had to go to work. If I call in sick I'd have to talk to Jennifer so I should just go and try to avoid her.

Once I got to work I went straight to my office bringing my own coffee from Starbucks so I won't bump into her to where the coffee is on our floor.
It was all going great for a few hours till someone knocked on my door. I had the whole situation off my mind for a good few hours till I saw her again.

"Leah..can we please talk??" She asks me and I just continue my work.

She walks over to my desk and puts her hand on my shoulder about to speak but I immediately push her hand away and stand up, walk past her bumping into her shoulder and left. I had break in a few minutes anyways. I might as well just leave.

I just went to the closest place to eat. Jen called me four times this time. That's less than the first day. I don't know why she thinks it's okay to just come into my office talking about something that doesn't have to do with work. Oh right. She's my boss.
Once I got back to work I didn't see her. Thankfully. I started to think about the whole thing even more and started to cry again in my car. Like why would someone cheat on someone you love so much. She showed me so much love. The type of love I've never had. The type of love I've always wanted. But she's pregnant. Even if she didn't cheat on me, she knows how dumb of an idea it was to fuck some guy when she has a daughter and a history of abuse. She's told me she never wants to deal with a guy again. Who's the one pregnant though?

It was time for me to go pick up Sofia. I close up everything and got my things then left my office and walked over to the elevator. Of course..when I waited for the elevator..she was coming. I wanna punch someone right now. Not Jen of course.

I looked down at my phone and just pretended I didn't see her. But her brave ass decides to come up to me and wrap her arms around my neck, hugging me.
"Leah please!" She says and looks at me. Her eyes were puffy. She didn't even put makeup today. I want to cry. She looks so sad but I'm so sad to and all this shit- it's just a mess.

"Get off of me" I said pushing her off

She follows me into the elevator even though I tried having it close right away. Didn't work.

I leaned back and stayed quiet looking at the wall right across from me with my arms crossed.
"Leah..if you think I cheated on you..I didn't. I swear on Emme's life I didn't!" She says. I take a deep breath and roll my eyes still not saying anything.

"I just want to explain everything baby please" she begs and hold onto my arm facing me. I shake my head and didn't say anything. "Leah I-" she paused and sighs. "I really wanted to tell you but I didn't know how. I was going to tell you eventually."

"When? When your bump starts showing??" I finally said. "No..."
"I really thought..even though you're such a hot girl that everyone drools over and wants to mess with..that you weren't a hoe..since youre the sweetest..nicest girl I've ever met. Because there's actually hot girls out there like that who stay loyal and I thought I was lucky enough to land with one for myself. Guess I was wrong." I said and left the elevator since it thankfully opened on time.

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