Harry & Liam - 22

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I stared at the exam lying on my desk, just two more and I would be out for summer break. I glanced around the room at everyone else and they were all working studiously. I looked back at my test and shrugged my shoulders, ah fuck it this is what I get for not studying. I began filling in the answers as well as I could. I was finished within the hour and was able to leave. I texted Liam and told him I was going to pick up Niall from the airport and he said that Louis was taking him and Zayn home. I got out my keys and began driving. I felt so bad for Niall, that's why I offered him the guest room to stay in. He told me he really didn't want to stay in Ireland anymore because it just kept bringing back memories for him. I was fine with letting him and West stay as long as they needed to.

I myself was very excited to see West, she was an absolutely gorgeous child. She is turning one soon and I hope Niall wants to throw her a huge birthday party. I haven't even met the little one and I can already tell I'm going to spoil her. The drive to the airport from the university was about thirty minutes and I still had some time to kill before Niall's plane had arrived. I opened up Louis contact and decided to send him a picture. I pulled my face into the most awkward position I could imagine and snapped the picture. I giggled at the picture before sending it to him.

From Lou:

Oh my gosh, the lady's face right next to you is priceless!!

My eyes widened as I looked next to me to see a lady already getting up and leaving.

To Lou:

omg I didn't even notice her, i'm laughing so hard.

From Lou:

You are such a dork. You want to hang out after my shift?

To Lou:

You love it!!! It depends on how Niall is feeling. He's been a bit rocky.

From Lou:

That's alright babe! Just call me or something then?

I must have looked like an idiot blushing at my phone.

To Lou:

Yeah no problem.

"Harry!" I heard Niall shout and I glanced around until I saw him about ten feet in front of me.

"C'mon help me with my stuff!" he shouted and I walked over to him and his luggage making an attempt to pick up his four suitcases.

He had this weird baby girdle that was holding West to his chest while he grabbed the rest of his suitcases and we began to navigate through everyone else.

"How much did you have to pay for all of this luggage?" I asked.

"Trust me, you do not want to know." he chuckled.

"I don't have a car seat for West, she's gonna have to sit up front." he said.

"So I'll drive slower than usual, but the first thing we are doing is having Liam watch her while we go pick out one alright?"

He nodded and helped me put the luggage in to the back of the car.

"I am absolutely amazed by all of the luggage you have." I told him as I started the car.

"Honestly it's mostly West's stuff." he said bouncing her in his lap.

The drive which usually took thirty minutes took around a hour this time making sure nothing dangerous happened.

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