Harry & Liam - 5

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I woke up to loud music blaring, I think it was Jay-Z? I checked the date and it was just as I thought. Every twenty third of every month Liam would go insane on the cleaning. It's like his personal cleaning day. Just when I thought Liam's obnoxious rap music was ending another one decided to blare. Fucking Liam.

"Can you turn that shit down!?" I heard Niall shout.

Ah, a man after my own heart.

"I'm agreeing with him!" I shouted as I walked into the living room.

"Aw c'mon, you know this is my cleaning day. And I can't clean without my music!" Liam pouted.

"But why does it have to be so obnoxious?" Niall whined.

"It's not." Liam defended.

"Oh it is." Niall groaned.

"Well Harry what do you think?" Liam asked turning to me.

"Oh I think it sucks." I said honestly.

"You guys are so mean!" Liam shrieked playfully.

"It's my last day here, we should do something." Niall said excitedly.

"Like?" I asked.

"Get shit faced." Niall said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Dude your plane leaves at six in the morning." I said, cocking my eyebrow at him.

"For once Harry I actually agree with you." Liam said as he continued to place things in their appropriate spots.

"C'mon you both have the day off and we should celebrate or something!" Niall said.

"Celebrate what?" Liam asked sarcastically, which made me laugh.

"My presence. You should call up those guys you met yesterday and invite them over!" Niall said excitedly.

"And from what I've heard a certain six foot tall giant has a crush on a certain midget." Niall said causing me to blush.

"Did you tell him?" I asked Liam.

Yes, it's been forty eight hours since I've heard the name Louis and I happened to have developed a small liking towards the guy. I mean who could blame me? He's a charmer.

"He forced it out of me." Liam said once again with sarcasm, making me roll my eyes.

"I'll call him." I muttered shyly.

I grabbed my phone and realized I had an unread text from him. I pressed call on his contact after checking what the text said.

"Harry?" Louis said groggily.

"Lou it's like one thirty why do you sound like you just woke up from a coma?" I giggled.

Someone call life alert because his morning voice made me weak in the knees. Oh my god he was turning me into a girl.

"Wow, thank you." Louis bit back.

Well someone's not a fan of being woken up.

"So I was wondering if you and Zayn would like to come over for a little party? It's just going to be the five of us?" I asked.

I really hope I don't sound desperate because I feel desperate.

"Five?" Louis yawned.

"My brother's here." I said happily.

"I'd love too. I'll force Zayn to come along from what I've seen I think he's infatuated with Liam." Louis chuckled.

"Oh really?" I asked, something I could use against Liam. I just had to see if he maybe had a soft spot for Zayn as well.

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