Zayn & Louis - 18

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I tried calling for what seemed like the hundredth time, but with the same result, no answer. I know the way I treated Liam last Friday was terrible. For a second in my mind I actually believed he wasn't good enough for me. Now I realize it's the other way around, I'm not good enough for him. He has been through so much for me and all I did was turn my back on him, not even defending him. When I had realized he left my first instinct was to call him. Much like my other attempts it proved to be futile. I went over to Harry's house today to ask, but once I explained it to Harry he got mad.

Apparently Liam hasn't been home all week and he was just figuring out that I was the reason why. Harry seems to know where he was so, I guess that reassures me a little. I picked up my phone and dialed his number, this time it went straight to voice mail.

"Uh hey Li, I have no idea where you are and I'm actually scared shitless. You have every right not answering my calls, I just feel so bad. I feel like I need to explain myself to you and I actually don''t know if I'll have enough time to do that. So I'll try to make this quick. I have no idea why I let my mom plant that moment of doubt in my head. I shouldn't have even listened to her. To be honest you're too good for me, I'm such a fuck up. I- i just want to know that you're okay." My voice cracked as I began to cry.

I hung up the phone and began to calm myself. I needed to calm down if I was going to go to school. I had already transferred over to the new school all we had to do was get set up in our new apartment which looked really nice. I splashed cold water on my face and grabbed my back pack. My keys were in my pocket and I made sure to be careful when driving, but I couldn't help my mind wandering to Liam. God I really hope he is okay. When I zoned back in I noticed a car about two feet ahead of me. Quickly I hit the brakes stopping my car just in time to not rear end the other car. I put a hand over my racing heart and my head fell against the steering wheel. Today was going to be hell.

*L o u i s*

"I want to become a director." Harry announced randomly.

I removed my head from his chest and looked up at him.

"Like a movie director?" I asked.

"Yeah I mean why not? I work for youtube for christ's sake. My paycheck is based on how many people view or like my videos. I'm lucky to have a numerous amount of subscribers. It's pretty much like being a movie director, except I'll make a lot more of money." Harry ranted.

"Well I'll be behind you with whatever you want to do." I whispered into his chest.

Harry's ring tone blared throughout the silent room and he shifted around to grab it.

"Liam, hey how are you?" he asked quickly.

I heard a slight chuckle on the other end and Liam reassuring Harry.

"Are you sure you're okay I know what that pri- I mean Zayn did, he explained it all to me." Harry said as if he just remembered I was in the room and that was my best friend.

I sat up and scooted away from Harry. He didn't notice as he began to get into a very intriguing conversation about the new kitty Liam's mum got. After ten excruciating minutes he finally got off the phone and opened his arms for me to cuddle into him.

"Haz, you do realize that Zayn still is my best freind?" I asked him.

Harry's stare hardened.

"Yeah and Liam's mine." He spat out.

"I understand that, but I really do not appreciate you insulting my best friend. Yes Harry I understand what he did to Liam was horrible, but I think maybe if Liam is okay you should move past it." I said quietly.

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