Harry & Liam - 1

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"Hey guys!" I said excitedly to my camera.

You may think I'm weird, but no I'm just making a video for my youtube channel.

"This is going to be short, but I just want you guys to send me some dares or stuff to do. Then Liam." I said pointing to my best friend who was on his phone next to me.

"And I will do them just for kicks." I said. "Please don't make me eat anything bad." Liam pouted at the camera causing me to laugh.

With that I ended the video and uploaded it quickly.

"Let's go ya lazy bum." I said as I swung my backpack onto my back.

"I've been ready unlike you." Liam said as he stood up.

We took the short walk from our flat to our college and everyone greeted us. We were both kind of popular because of my youtube channel. Weird right? Youtube is one of my escapes and it helps so much.

"Hey Harry." A girl said with a wink.

That was one of the many things I never understood. I scrunched my nose at her, not because she wasn't beautiful because she was gorgeous, but because god and everybody knows I'm gay.

"C'mon Li." I mumbled maneuvering around the now scowling girl.

"See you at free period?" I asked once we were in the halls.

"Yeah see ya Har." Liam said before breaking off into a separate hallway.

"Hey Harry." Paige said as I walked into my first classroom which happened to be English.

"Hey Paige." I said taking my seat next to her.

Mr. Clark, our teacher soon came in and began a lecture that I had no clue what was about because I zoned out. I was really glad it was Friday. Not like I was going to any crazy college parties just because I can now stay in pajamas all weekend without being judged.

"Mr. Styles." Mr. Clark said, snapping me out of my daze.

"Yes?" I murmured, well aware that every eye was on me now.

He motioned for me to walk up to him and I did.

"There seems to have been an accident involving your step brother Niall. So if you need to leave you may." He said. I felt worry bubble inside of me.

I grabbed my bag and ran outside of the classroom.

"Dude wait up!" Liam shouted as he jogged next to me.

"You know we both have Niall as a brother, so can we please slow down?" Liam asked sounding out of breath.

I nodded and stopped, feeling out of breath myself. We both walked calmly to the entrance of the building.

"Liam what if he's really hurt?" I asked.

"He's not, the fucking bastard." Liam said, shaking his head.

"What do you mean?" I asked. Niall was actually my step-brother, but I treated him as my own brother.

I mean who could blame me, I've always wanted a brother! Liam scoffed before jogging down the steps and tackling someone.

"Liam." I heard the familiar voice whine.

"Goddamn it Niall you had us shitting our pants." I heard Liam shout as he continued to smother the boy.

"Niall you're a little bitch." I said hopping on top of Liam, joining the dog pile.

"Get off of me you fat asses." Niall groaned.

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