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Calum walked downstairs and found Natalya in the kitchen preparing two bowls of cereal.

She was just uncapping the bottle of milk when he snaked his arms around her waist from behind, trapping her tiny body between himself and the countertop.

She gasped in surprise before relaxing into his familiar embrace while he buried his face in her hair and breathed in her intoxicating scent, pressing kisses to her head while she poured the milk into two bowls.

But before she could take the bowls to the dining table, Calum turned her around and lifted her onto the counter.

Even after sitting on the counter, she was still shorter than him and he had to bend down a little to look at her.

She was just that small, and precious, and delicate.

His hands settled low on her waist as she wrapped her arms around his neck to bring his face closer.

He looked at her, gaze filled with passion and love, before closing the  distance and pressing his lips to hers gently but firmly.

Their lips moved in sync for a few moments and he only pulled away when he felt her gasp for air.

Natalya's held his face in her small hands, fingers tenderly ghosting over the two moles on his right cheek that she found absolutely adorable.

"Let's have breakfast then will you help me make some ham sandwiches for our lunch? I can't wait for our picnic!" She said, melodious laughter filling his ears. He adored her for her innocent excitement and the fact that she found joy in such simple things.

Calum nodded, scrunching up his face a little then pinched her nose playfully before helping her off the counter.

Soon, they were all ready for their picnic. Calum stood by the door with the basket and mat in hand, waiting for Natalya.

She emerged from the stairwell wearing some faded denim overall shorts with little daisies embroidered on the large pocket on the front over a white off-shoulder top, a lock of her hair braided down one side.

She hopped off the last step and ran to him, slipping her hand in his and lacing their fingers together.

Calum chuckled then kissed her forehead before unlocking the door and leading the way towards a meadow near the lake.

They settled down at a spot underneath a tree, removing their shoes before getting on the mat.

Natalya pulled out a small vintage radio from the basket and played some country tunes.

They sat without talking for a while, just soaking in the sunshine, the music, and the sounds of nature.

"We'll be going back soon..." Natalya began, voice soft and almost regretful, as she drew her knees to her chest and wrapped her arms around them.

"We can always come back here, whenever you want," Calum replied, looking to the small patch of grass on the other side and picking through the flowers growing there.

"Promise?" Natalya asked, almost a whisper.

"Promise," Calum affirmed, placing a small pink flower that he'd picked behind her ear and kissing her on her lips.

He then lifted her chin with a finger, "Let's enjoy our picnic, Babygirl."

She smiled for him and moved closer to him to lean against his shoulder.

Calum began telling her about his childhood, the many memories he had spent at this beautiful place.

"Once, Mali and I sneaked into the neighbour's garden and stole some cherry tomatoes. The neighbour's dog caught us and chased us around the garden. Later, mom insisted that we help clean the neighbour's house as an apology. They were very nice though, rewarding us with milk and cookies after we did the dishes and swept the floor."

Natalya laughed and kissed his nose.

They then ate the sandwiches and drank some apple juice boxes before deciding to watch the clouds.

The sky was an azure blue and they had a clear view of the clouds without any concrete or steel blocking their view. That was the beauty of the countryside.

They lay down on the mat, with Natalya's head on Calum's arm. She lay her hands on her stomach and occasionally pointed to a cloud drifting by.

"That one looks like a dinosaur, with a tail and open mouth," she described, dragging a finger along the shape of the cloud to help him see.

Calum hummed in acknowledgement. Often times, he couldn't actually see what she saw, but he adored how pure and imaginative she was and just pretended, to make her happy.

"That one looks like you!" She giggled.

"Nah, I definitely look more handsome than that," he answered playfully, nuzzling her neck.

She turned her head and their lips met, sharing a sweet moment.

Calum propped himself up on one arm and towered over her, his other hand crossing protectively over her body.

"You are so many things, Darling, an angel, a princess...mine," he whispered affectionately, leaning his forehead against hers.

Natalya blushed and smiled, hands sliding up his chest and coming to rest at the base of his neck.

"I'll always be yours."

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