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Natalya woke up feeling unusually cold. Rolling over and stretching an arm towards Calum's side with her eyes still closed, she found that he was not there.

She gingerly opened her eyes and sat up. There were faint sounds coming from downstairs so she guessed that's where he'd be.

After washing up, she went downstairs, her light footsteps not giving away her arrival.

Natalya found him in the kitchen still in his flannel pajama pants hanging low on his waist, revealing his Calvin Klein waistband. His back was facing her and he was whipping up some breakfast, his hair tousled from sleep. The aroma of butter and vanilla tickled her nose and she smiled.

She quietly approached him from behind and wrapped her arms around his torso, giving him a little squeeze as she pressed her left cheek to his back.

Calum chuckled in surprise then caught her in a one-armed hug as he continued flipping pancakes with the spatula in his other hand.

"Sweetheart, I was gonna surprise you with breakfast in bed."

"It was cold without you," she mumbled, snuggling into his side as he stroked her hair.

"Go back to bed and pretend to be surprised when I bring you the food," Calum patted her head and wrinkled his nose teasingly.

"Calum, I am surprised, and touched too. Thank you," Natalya took his face in her hands and kissed his chin before doing as he asked and going back to bed.

After a while, Calum came into the room carrying a tray.

Natalya waited in anticipation as he sat down on the bed and placed the tray on her lap. There was a plate of pancakes drizzled with maple syrup and cubes of butter and a glass of orange juice.

"Where's your share?"

Calum just shook his head wordlessly. He had made this breakfast specially for her and only her.

Natalya pursed her lips then grinned, beginning to cut the pancake with a knife. She picked up a piece with a fork and fed it to him.

Calum smirked and accepted her offer.

"I miss Duke," Natalya suddenly said.

"Me too, but Mali wanted to have him for the week. Let's just make the best of this alone alone time," Calum replied, bringing his face close to hers such that their noses touched.

Breakfast went on and Natalya couldn't stop running her fingers through Calum's curls till they stood up at awkward places. She just found him so endearing and adorable with his bed head, he felt the same about her too.

He would whine about her messing up his hair with 'babeeee....' and his puppy dog eyes but he actually didn't really mind it. It was soothing and to be honest, he liked it.

By the time they finished their breakfast, the sun had fully risen and the land was warm.

Today they were going to spend a day at the lake.

After packing some food in a basket (it wasn't a picnic, Natalya insisted, that was reserved for another day), they headed to the nearby lake.

It was large, but not so that they couldn't see the other side, and was enclosed halfway by trees lining the water's edge.

They placed their basket on the small wooden jetty and sat down at the edge, dipping their feet into the water.

Natalya kicked her feet in the clear water, enjoying the sound of the water splashing around.

Calum shrugged off his shirt, throwing it in a heap behind them and leaned back on his arms.

His tan skin glowed under the golden sun rays. Natalya quietly admired the tattoos below his collar bones and left arm, and his toned, muscular body.

"See something you like?" Calum teased and looked over at her, causing Natalya to blush madly.

"C'mon, let's go for a swim, the water's just right," Calum suggested, caressing her cheek and moving wisps of her hair out of her face.

Natalya nodded and proceeded to remove her white knotted t-shirt and shorts, revealing her swimsuit underneath.

Now it was Calum's turn to have his breath stolen away.

She was in a two-piece strapless red gingham suit, her skin pale and creamy, a stark contrast to his. She looked absolutely lovely.

Natalya tied her hair up in a messy bun as Calum continued admiring her.

"See something you like?" Natalya smirked.

"As a matter of fact, yes."

Then Calum jumped in first and reached out to her with outstretched arms, assuring her that he would catch her.

He did, wrapping his arms securely around her and keeping her afloat as Natalya held on to his broad shoulders for support.

Calum leaned forward and kissed her forehead affectionately, then her nose, and finally her lips.

Angling their heads, they deepened the kiss, but it remained gentle and full of love that they were giving to and receiving from each other.

They spent the rest of the afternoon swimming and chasing each other around in the calm waters, having snacks back on the jetty, and watching the sky turn red as birds flocked home.

It was an amazing time spent basking in the radiance of the sun and youthfulness of day.

As evening approached and they headed back to the house, Natalya playfully insisted that Calum give her a piggyback. He gladly acceded.

That day, they were young and free.

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