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Calum woke up to a faint strawberry scent and something tickling his nose.

He slowly opened his eyes then smiled fondly.

His Natalya was sleeping on his bare chest, arms holding him tight, her hair was what was tickling his nose.

He gently moved her hair out of his face with his hand, stroking her head affectionately before letting his hand slide down to her back.

His fingers absentmindedly drew circles, gently skirting across the thin fabric of her silk chemise.

His other hand settled on her tiny waist and he lay still, watching her body rise and fall with his chest, her small breaths warm against the skin of his neck.

She looked so pure, so innocent, so young, and Calum was reminded that she was indeed.

"What did I ever do to deserve you?" He sighed, then felt her stir.

She whimpered softly against his skin like a kitten before opening her eyes, revealing those large, mesmerising emerald orbs that peered up sleepily at him.

"Good morning, my beautiful angel," he said, voice husky from sleep, trailing a finger down the side of her face.

Then Calum sat up, pulled her into his lap, and began placing kisses on the soft skin of her neck, his large hands holding her shoulders.

Natalya's eyes slipped shut and she bit her lip as she felt Calum playfully teasing one of the straps of her chemise with his fingers before slipping it off her shoulder and moving his lips there.

He didn't go further but lifted his head to look at her with eyes full of love. He grinned at her rosy cheeks and pinched them gently with his fingers.

"You are so adorable."

Natalya leaned forward to hug him, placing a soft kiss on his collarbone as she did while his arms wrapped around her tightly, pressing her flush against his chest.

They spent the day in the studio again, and this time Calum taught Natalya to play the guitar.

She sat in his lap and he showed her all the different chords, guiding her fingers in the placement.

But her hands were so small she found it slightly difficult to reach all the chords compared to how he did it with ease.

She would sigh and pout at times and he would chuckle and encourage her with kisses to her cheek and jaw. When her fingertips got sore from the strings, he would gently and tenderly kiss each of them.

Calum was really patient and he never got tired of teaching Natalya. He liked how she would lean back against his chest, how his large hands completely engulfed hers.

But Natalya got tired so she sat back and asked him to play. She was so small and fit so snugly in his embrace that he could still play the guitar with ease, she didn't hinder him at all.

Calum strummed a tune off the top of his head and hummed along to it.

When he finished, Calum found that Natalya had fallen asleep.

He smiled and kissed the top of her head, then put his guitar aside and cradled her in his arms.

That evening, as they were going to prepare dinner, Natalya found that the light switch to the kitchen wasn't working.

Calum tried the rest of the switches in the house and found that they were all out. He peered out the window at some of the neighbours' houses and saw that they were also dark.

They searched the house for candles and found them in a drawer next to the fireplace.

But there were only a few and definitely not enough to light up all the areas that they would use.

So Calum had an idea. He found two mason jars and poked holes in the lids.

Then he took Natalya by the hand and they visited the firefly field again.

When they reached the edge of the woods, Natalya already guessed what he was up to and smiled at his wit.

They had much fun catching fireflies and when they were done, they each had about three or four in their jars.

"Now we can just shake our jars whenever we need light," Calum grinned, shaking his jar to prove his point. The fireflies glowed and illuminated their faces.

"And we'll release them when the lights come back on," Natalya added.

That night it got a little chilly so Calum started a fire in the fireplace so it could provide them with both light and warmth.

Natalya settled down on the rug in front of the fireplace and waited for Calum to get back with a blanket.

He was back moments later, draping the thick wool blanket over her shoulders before wrapping himself in it too. They shared a mug of hot chocolate and found comfort in each other's embrace.

They fell asleep there and even though the fire went out, they were enveloped in the warmth of pure love.

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