f i v e

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She couldn't look lovelier.

Nestled beneath a tangled mess of blanket, red hair splayed against the pillow, cheeks rosy, dark lashes fluttering ever so gently.

Her breathing was slow, peaceful, chest rising and falling rhythmically.

From the side, he could see her pale shoulder exposed by the large neckline of his t-shirt.

Her fingers gently curled against the duvet, featherlight fingertips caressing the morning air.

Calum couldn't ask for a better sight to wake up to.

And he couldn't help but leave a soft trail of kisses along her shoulder up to her jaw until she awoke, rubbing lazily at her eyes.

"Good morning, my lovely sunshine." Calum greeted with a smile, voice raspy with sleep as he propped his head up on one arm to look at her.

Natalya rolled over towards him, right into the warmth of his arms and snuggled into his chest, sighing contentedly.

Calum rolled them over so he was on top and nuzzled her neck, placing soft kisses all over. Natalya's eyes slipped shut, a blissful smile graced her lips as she tangled her slender fingers in the curls at the base of his neck.

Then a ray of sunlight hit their faces and they took it as a cue to get up and start their day.

Calum pulled Natalya into the bathroom and they brushed their teeth side by side, occasionally playfully elbowing each other to hog the mirror and laugh at each other's foam covered mouth.

Calum then decided to take a short morning jog around the nearby lake while Natalya prepared breakfast.

When he got back, slightly sweaty but rejuvenated, there was soft country music playing on the radio and two plates of freshly prepared sunny side up and sausages on the table.

Natalya was arranging some flowers in a vase at one of the kitchen counters.

"Look at these flowers I picked from the garden outside," she said excitedly, turning around to face him with the vase in hand.

"Beautiful," he replied, smiling.

He wasn't referring to the flowers though. They were no doubt beautiful, but he found that they still paled in comparison to her.

Calum was so in love.

Natalya returned the smile, then walked over to place the vase in the centre of the table.

Coming to him, she slipped a hand on his cheek, bringing his face down so she could give him a kiss.

"Go take a shower, breakfast is ready," she whispered against his lips and he kissed her again in acknowledgement.

After breakfast, they decided to spend the day in the studio.

Besides being an excellent dancer, Natalya was also great at visual arts. To Calum, she was the epitome of perfection, it seemed to him that there wasn't anything she couldn't do, how he adored her.

Natalya grabbed her drawing pad and some pens, making the desk her workspace so she could do some sketching of the picturesque scenery outside the glass window.

Calum took the couch with his guitar, notebook and pen. The serenity and tranquility of the countryside really refreshed him and he was all ready to write some songs. And having his muse sitting right before him made it all perfect. The positive energy radiating off his beautiful Natalya was already making his heart sing.

As much as she was his muse, he was hers too.

After doing a few landscape drawings, Natalya turned around and found Calum deeply engrossed with composing a tune on his guitar.

She truly adored his passion for music and it warmed her heart to see him so focused and pouring his heart into every detail of his creations.

She watched his fingers artfully strum the guitar strings, pausing every so often to think while managing to look absolutely adorable at the same time.

Natalya decided she wanted to etch this beautiful sight on paper and began to scribble and shade away.

Soon, the soft patter of rain against the glass ceiling stole their attention away from what they were doing.

They both looked up and were amazed by the unusual yet enchanting sight of raindrops splattering against the roof, creating a rhythm pleasant to the ears.

Natalya joined Calum on the loveseat after he put his guitar away and they lay there watching the rain, relaxing in this cosy bubble of theirs. It was wonderful to be so close to the rain yet remain dry and warm!

They spent the rest of the afternoon cuddled on the couch, wrapped in a large cotton blanket Calum found, just chatting about everything under the sun (or rain, in this case).

They had biscuits and hot coffee for lunch. It wasn't much, but each other's presence was more than enough to fill their stomachs and hearts with love and warmth.

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