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"You were amazing, Babygirl," Calum smiled, smoothing his thumb over her knuckles, their fingers laced together.

"Thank you," Natalya blushed, looking up at him through her long lashes.

"Wait here, I'll be right back." Calum smiled, caressing her hair and guiding her to sit on the bed.

It had been her last ballet performance as the lead in Sleeping Beauty for the season, and as usual, Natalya was stunning - fluid and graceful in her movements, charming the hearts of each and everyone in the audience.

While waiting, she removed some pins from her hair and carded her fingers through the wavy red locks.

Calum was back moments later with a small basin filled with warm water and calming salts. It was a foot bath.

Kneeling down in front of her, he gently lowered Natalya's feet into the water and she sighed contentedly as the warm water soothed her aching feet.

He then sat down on the floor and scooped up one of her small, delicate feet in his large hands and began to massage it.

Natalya closed her eyes and relaxed under his touch - slightly callused finger tips from the bass strings but nevertheless warm and tender.

When Calum was done pampering his princess, they took separate showers. Natalya used the adjoining bathroom in the bedroom while Calum used the one in the hall.

When she was all soft and smelling like daisies and strawberries, she emerged from the bathroom with a towel around her neck and found that Calum was ready for bed. He was lounging on two of the soft pillows in a grey t-shirt and shorts.

Natalya hung her towel on one of the wall hooks before going to join him.

She climbed over him to get to the other side of the bed, the side that was against the wall, her side.

This was actually his bed, and his house too, but she'd stayed over so often she naturally had a part of it. Calum didn't mind it one bit, in fact, he loved that they had something to share, it made their relationship all the more intimate.

Natalya pulled the grey covers over her legs and settled against the pillows next to him.

Calum instinctively wrapped his arm round her shoulder so she could snuggle into his side.

"I was thinking..." He began, "...that we should take a vacation. You deserve some rest."

He looked down at her, gaze soft, fingers fumbling with the lacy hem of her bed shorts.

"Where do we go?" She asked innocently, eyes sparkling with gentle excitement at the idea.

"My dad's family has a country house somewhere in Windermere. We could spend a week there, away from the noise and fast-paced life of the city, what do you think?"

Natalya smiled, "I think it's perfect, I could do some drawings there..."

"...and I could write some songs there," Calum added, grasping her small hand in his and giving it a little squeeze.

"Thank you, Calum," Natalya said with sincerity, resting her chin against his shoulder.

Calum leaned down and caught her lips with his in a sweet, gentle kiss.

Their little moment was briefly interrupted by a woof and some pants.

They looked over and saw Duke standing at the open doorway looking at them fondly and wagging his tail.

"Here, little man," Calum called and reached a hand over the side of the bed to which Duke nuzzled his head against.

Calum scratched his head a few times before Duke curled up on the floor and closed his eyes.

They had bought a soft and fluffy dog bed for him but he always preferred to sleep by their bedside. It was endearing and so they welcomed him.

Calum turned off the bedside lamp and they settled under the covers.

Natalya snuggled into his chest as he wrapped his strong arms around her and kissed her forehead. He was always soft and warm and made her feel safe.

She smiled, placing her hands against his chest and feeling his heart beat beneath her palm. It lulled her to sleep every night - strong, steady, and beating with love for her alone (okay maybe a little for Duke too).

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Guess who was inspired by Peter Rabbit🌚

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