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Joie sat on her couch feeling grumpy. Not just about her argument with Jamie which hadn't been resolved yet, but also the fact that it had been two days since she took Sam to the airport and she still hadn't heard from him.

After torturing herself over whether or not to message him, she finally decided to send a text to his phone.

Joie: Are you alive?

Her phone rang five minutes later and it was him.

"I figured I'd hear from you by now." She knew her voice was tight.

He chuckled. "Sorry. I got really busy when I returned. I haven't had time to even think."

Joie remembered something from a book she read called He's Just Not That Into You. The word "busy" means "asshole" because if you're important to him, he will make time.

But he had been out of town, so maybe things piled up while he was gone.

"I guess I figured you would find time since, you know, I'm over here wondering about things."

He chuckled again. "No need to wonder. Everything is fine. I just got busy."

There was that word again. The line was quiet.

"How are you?" she asked, her hands shaking.

He sighed. "Good, all things considered. Work has been hella-busy and this weekend we played golf."

"So, you had time for golf but no time to call or text me? I see how it is." She laughed but only so her statement might be seen as a joke.

"Wow," he said sarcastically.  "You're in a pleasant mood. Maybe I should call you later."

No! I need his attention now.

"I was teasing."

"Didn't sound like a tease."

She wasn't sure what to say so she stayed quiet. She heard him typing on his keyboard as the quiet continued. Change of subject. "So, who'd you go golfing with?"

"Um." His voice sounded unsure.

She laughed. "Did you forget?"

"Ah, Joy, there's something I should tell you."

That statement was never good. "Okay."

"I'm kinda sorta seeing someone here in Provo."

Shock passed through her. Mother fucker.

"It's not that serious, but--"

"You're kidding me, right?" She paused. "Is that why you haven't called me? Because you've been busy with her?"

"No!" He shouted loudly. "I've been swamped. Good God, woman! Cut me a break! I didn't know this thing with you and me was going to happen and I haven't figured out how to deal with it yet! Relax! You've never had any patience. You need to work on that!"

His reaction startled her into calmness. Maybe she was being impatient and jumping to conclusions.

After a moment of silence, she. Did the only things she knew. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay. I get it." He sighed again. "I really didn't want to tell you that the first time we spoke. I didn't want you to take it wrong."

"I guess I forced it out of you." She felt ashamed for some reason. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay."

She looked down at the floor with her shoulders slumped. "What are you going to do?"

"Don't worry. I'll take care of it. All you need to do is take care of you, make sure you stay sexy and beautiful. I want to see you again. Soon."

She smiled feeling ridiculous for worrying. She relaxed into the couch. "You do, huh?"

"Yes, I do."

"Well, how are we gonna make that happen?" She grinned ear to ear at the thought of him desiring her close. See, he does care.

There's A Reason... That Shit Didn't Work OutWhere stories live. Discover now