Chapter Three

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I let out a long sigh as I flopped into my new bed and unlocked my phone. Dinner had been nice with Walter and the gang but it couldn't last forever. We'd ended up at a Mexican restaurant and it was fun just being there, eating with them after the long day of settling into the new apartment. Willow had dropped me back at the apartment with a promise to see me at church before I got out. After all that, I couldn't avoid my life anymore.

Forty-three voicemails from Vic. I couldn't count how many text messages he'd sent. Ignoring them, I looked to the rest. I saw my parents called and instantly called them back.

"Hey, Mom." I greeted her. "I'm fine before you ask. I've just been busy settling in." I told her.

"Thank God." She said then I heard her call my dad. "We're happy you're getting settled. Vic has been calling us nonstop."

"Yeah. I figured he would. I'm sorry for not warning you before everything. I know you guys are going to say I probably should have stayed and tried to work it out. I just couldn't. I'm sorry."

"Don't be." My dad said. "You did the right thing, leaving a man that would do that to you."

"Thanks, Dad. I already miss you guys though." I told them.

"We miss you too, honey. But we are so happy for your new job and so proud of you for knowing your worth and getting out before Vic could weasel himself out of it." My mom said and I chuckled. They knew Vic was a smooth talker, always had been. Talking to them made me feel better about everything like it always did. When I hung up, I had the strength I needed to read Victor's messages and listen to his voicemails.

Every one said how sorry he was and begged me to come back. Some begged me to answer the phone, others just begged for me to come home. He said all the right words to make me question myself, my choice to leave. I felt myself begin to cry as I listened to him talk. He was a man I had been in love with for nearly a decade. A man that I had shared my life with through most of college and grad school. He was there with me for every up and down and he'd taken my heart and ripped it out of my body by having an on-going affair with my best friend.

Moving on, I found messages from Selena. In them, she detailed the affair, which apparently had been going on sporadically throughout undergrad and I'd been right about them sneaking behind my back for a year straight. As I read, my phone rang and I saw Victor's name pop up. Reluctantly, I answered.

"Victor." I said softly in greeting.

"Baby." He sighed in relief. "I've been calling all day. It just kept going to voicemail."

"Yeah. I've been busy. Settling in and all." I said, careful to keep my emotions out of my voice.

"Baby, please come home. I'm sorry for everything, Angie. I don't want to lose you. It was a mistake."

"A what?"

"A mistake, baby. I promise you it meant nothing and it will never happen again. It was the stupidest mistake I've ever made."

"A mistake?" I seethed. "A mistake is forgetting to turn the alarm on before you leave home or even forgetting my birthday or our anniversary. Sneaking behind my back with my best friend more than once, that's not a fucking mistake. That's a choice that you made and now you deal with the consequences. I can't believe you had the balls to throw out the word 'mistake.' I don't know if you are being tactful or you're somehow that much of an idiot to really come at me with that lame ass excuse."

"Fine, Angelica. I did make a horrible choice but we are bigger than that choice. It only happened once or twice before while we were dating and we were on a break then. Baby, I love you."

Fix A Heart (Book 2 of the O.I. Agents Romance Series)Where stories live. Discover now