{Spin-off} High School Story: Akemi

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"Don't touch me," I said calmly. I wrapped my fingers around her wrist. In an instant, she fell to her knees and loosened her grip.

I'm glad I learned a little something from the captain of the judo club.

"This is the third time this month. You're not getting any more chances. Smoking is strictly prohibited on campus," I stated mercilessly. "I'm not letting it go this time. This is going to the counselor and calls will be made to your parents."

"Wait, Akemi." A guy my age ran up. He got around and blocked my way. Why was everybody blocking the door for me today?

"Your mother would be rather surprised, Hyosuke." I crossed my arms. We happened to know each other since junior high. His mother was the best female surgeon in Tokyo. What a shame her son turned to smoking at the age of 16.

He gulped. The reason why I gave these bunch of students a second chance is because none of them are bad on the inside. They either gave in to peer pressure or tried to escape from their pressuring households. But if skipping class has escalated to smoking on campus, I need to hand this over to the authorities.

"Do you really think you have us around your little finger?" Another girl taunted. "Go ahead. My parents won't even care."

"Whether they care or not is none of my business. I'm simply tired of staying after school for you lot all the time when I can be at home, enjoying dessert."

I strolled past Hyosuke at the door. He turned around last minute and yelled out of desperation, "We won't leave behind any proof once you get the principal here, anyway!"


I turned my head back with my signature smirk. "Who do you think they'll believe? The student body president who has always been a model student, or you lot who have been skipping classes since the beginning of the school year? If I spice the story up with you stealing money or consuming alcohol, do you think the teachers would believe you over me?"

A frightened expression finally took over their faces. It brought me absolute joy.

"What about the graffiti at the back of the building last week? The chairman was furious about that," I added.

"That wasn't us! I swear!" Hyosuke exclaimed and the others nodded in agreement.

"What if I blamed it on you? Even with zero evidence? Would the teachers trust me? I'm actually quite curious. Let's see. Smoking plus alcohol, theft, and destruction of school property. What would that result in? Would you like to tell us, Saki? Your father's a lawyer, after all."

"Okay, okay! You win!" She shouted, then added in a whisper, "I'll go give myself up."

"Wonderful! That'd save a lot of my time." I grinned, then turned right around and headed towards the school gate. I tossed a glare behind my shoulder one last time and warned, "I'll ask the teacher who gave themselves up tomorrow. I'd better hear all eight of your names."

When I got home, the house was empty. I opened my laptop and checked the stocks. My mom was always on about how much I took on from my dad, including his appearance and personality. I smirked. At least that meant he was smart.

And cocky.

I pulled my hair out of the ponytail it was in. The tips brushed against the chair I was sitting on. When'd my hair grow this long? 

Just then, the door opened. I turned around to see mom lifting a few bags of groceries in the doorway. I watched blankly until she looked up with an irk mark on her head. "Jeez, Akemi, come help me!"

"Right." I slipped off my seat and walked over. 

Half an hour later, the two of us sat at the dining table. I glanced up at my mom, who hadn't touched her plate for an entire minute now. She had a sad look in her eyes and while mumbling, "This was his favorite dish."

My own mother confused me sometimes. She always seemed to think about my dad, so then why did she leave him? What kind of circumstances was she in that she convinced herself that running away was the best option?

If love was this much work, I'd rather stay single for the rest of my life.

~ ~ ~

By the end of the year, I've officially completed my high school career. I cleaned out my desk into a large plastic bag. I was no longer in uniform. I wore a denim jacket over a black and white shirt. My jeans stretched as I strolled down the hallway in heeled boots.

By the time I dropped my student president armband off at the meeting room, a group of students had gathered at the door.

"The first time I ever see you smile is when you're ready to leave this place, huh?" said the vice-president. Now the president, since I was leaving.

"Yup. I feel like a boulder has been lifted from my shoulders and transferred to yours," I spoke light-heartedly. 

"...You look much more beautiful when you're smiling," he said sadly.

"Why thank you," I said, cocking my head and beaming him a fake smile. I was never going to see these old classmates again, might as well act nice before parting.

"Akemi!" Hyosuke squeezed through the crowd with a gift basket filled with sweets and snacks. I knew right away that his mother prepared this. I saw her often back in junior high since her son got in trouble with the staff a lot. She quite liked me.

"My mom heard you were leaving. Here." He reached out. I accepted the basket out of politeness. "Sorry for causing you trouble all the time. I mean it."

Afterward, The rest of the student body went to an assembly about their next year of high school. Graduation is tomorrow, but I don't plan on attending. I already got my diploma. I don't want to come back here again.

I held my school bag over my left shoulder and the gift basket in my right hand. As I neared the school gates, I saw the garbage truck. Workers were busy about at the back of the school, paying no attention to the car. The back was open.

I glanced at the gift basket, then at the opened garbage truck.

I eventually got home with one hand empty. Mom beamed when she saw me.

"You've officially graduated high school at the age of 16! How do you feel?"

"Nothing special." I lifted up my left arm, revealing my school bag and the gift basket. "Someone gave me this in farewell."

I didn't have it in me to throw it away after all.

"Who? Was it a boy? Is he good-looking?" she grinned.

"Not telling. Yes, and maybe. I didn't pay attention." I dropped the basket into her arms and went upstairs.

I browsed the internet when I came across an ad, an ad of the most gorgeous hotel I'd ever seen. I knew right away that it was Tres Spades. Several of my classmates have been there before. I only heard legends about it.

I smiled a little. If I plan my future out right, someday, I'd be able to live somewhere that beautiful, too. 

Akemi Ichinomiya.

That name will get out there one day.

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