Adham, who was once a wise man -from what I had been told- had become a cruel merciless leader of a mafia gang that he had started. He gradually fell out of love with my mother and bought different women every night not caring how my mother felt.

What is really pathetic is that, even though he didn't like my mother later, he never let her go. He had forced her to give her body to satisfy other men's pleasure to get his dirty work done.

My mother had no choice but to obey the cruel man.

She had tried to resist his ugly new self, but it only got worse and eventually, she couldn't take it anymore and had just ended her life.

Adham was furious at what mom had done. But, that didn't stop him from doing his dirty work. Since I was just twelve at the time he spared me a little. He had just abused and beaten me up when I disrespected or disobeyed him.

He didn't do anything serious to me, but he ruined my sister's life instead.

She was eighteen when my mom died. So my father thought it was a great idea to replace my mom with my sister and proceeded to do so.

She was forced to be a slut just like my mother was, and trust me she didn't like it one bit.

And when she pulled herself to express her concern to him, but he had simply beaten her to pulp. And asserted to never tell him what to do.

She would sneak into my room every night and cry her eyes out.

Being a small girl, I didn't seem to have sufficient diligence to reckon the dilemma. So I settled with offering a shoulder to cry on and person to speak to instead.

Out little degree of hope seemed to be egregious when Adham caught us one unfortunate night and forbade us from seeing or speaking to each other ever since.

From then, I had sworn that I would run away from here as soon as I turn eighteen in a couple months and start a new life elsewhere, possibly with my sister, wherever she was now.

And to add a cherry on top of my dreary life, I once had a loving boyfriend who knew me like the back of his hand. He gave his word to take care of me and love me forever.

I couldn't help but let out a scoff thinking about that.

Blake was a sick bastard. A cruel sick bastard.

I was too naïve to know what his true intentions were. I loved him with all my heart.

Too bad he only wanted me for my body, to win a bet. I dated him for 2 years! 2 fucking years!

I shook my head and let out a humorless chuckle.

I should have known. I should have known when he sneaked out with Jessie. I should have known when I sensed a tint of rose scent that always lingered around him. I should have known when I didn't see the love in his eyes that mine always held.

I didn't see anything eccentric or dubious about him with the love that blinded my vision.

My life had seemed to completely annihilate when I saw him with another girl on his bed. Limbs tangled together as they made out avidly as she moaned when he cupped her intimate part.

I saw it, but I didn't want to believe it.

Pulling myself together, I confronted him.

He had simply laughed at my face before he enunciated that he had just dated me and pretended to love me to take away my virginity for a bet. He also admitted how he had been cheating on me all along to satisfy his needs.

My conviction for saving my innocence for the right time seemed ridiculous to him.

He had left the school after a couple of weeks before he moved states for some family emergency. Since then, I never saw him and I never wished to or ever will.

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