He snarled, unable to talk, and Calum cooed mockingly; tracing his fingers over Michael's cheek, "So precious... But so naughty."

"I put the others to bed... We have plenty of time." Calum smirked, eyeing Michael up and down. The male really did have a nice body, a dominant stance that only Calum knew how to break.

Michael narrowed his eyes and Calum viciously slapped him. He brought his arm back, hitting the man across the face hard enough for Michael's head to jerk sideways. Green eyes firm within their glare on Michael's face as Calum cracked his knuckles.

"Don't look at me like that, Michael. You know you deserve this."

Michael tried to kick him, and Calum pushed him back. He glared, sending a brutally harder slap across Michael's face, knowing very well that it was exactly what Michael had wanted him to do.

Michael groaned, falling lax in the chains as the stinging sensation trickled through his body. Calum narrowed his eyes, his voice strong enough to vibrate within the dimly lit basement, "Don't you dare try and do that again or you'll be getting more than just a slap, you hear me?"

Michael took a deep breath in through his nose, trying not to show weakness under Calum's voice. He was always weak for that tone, that dominance—that violent love—he believed only Calum could provide him with.

"I said, do you hear me?!" Calum roared, roughly grabbing Michael's chin and forcing him to look up.

Michael swallowed thickly, eyes flickering to meet the pure dominance dripping from Calum's own gaze. He gave a weak nod and Calum shoved him back.

Don't get Michael wrong, he very much enjoyed being the dominant one but with Calum? Ohh now that was a whole different story. He loved the clash, the fight that he would always lose but would always engage in. Losing never felt so good when it came to falling at Calum's feet.

Calum chose to ignore the heat rising to Michael's cheeks, thoughts running wild inside the man's mind, and instead stepped back; turning to walk towards the cupboard in the back corner.

Michael watched him with curiosity in his darkened green eyes, his throat tightening when Calum turned back around with a black whip now in his hands.

"If I'd known you were going to be this much trouble, Michael," he said, walking back towards the chained up male, "I would've brought this out sooner."

Michael shivered, goosebumps rising on his skin as Calum traced a finger up along his spine; standing behind him close enough that he could feel Calum's breath hit the back of his neck.

"You wanna colour out, babe?" He teased mockingly, "Come on... I promise to hold you—" he brought the whip cracking down against Michael's back with a harsh chuckle "—tight. And kiss away all of your—he did it again "—pain. Doesn't that sound-" and again "-wonderful?!"

Michael cried out in agony, muffled sounds spluttering around the gag as his body jerked against each impact. He groaned, loving the way pain mixed with the sound of Calum's mocking voice. It was overwhelmingly excruciating but he loved it.

The sound of the whip cracking against his skin echoed through the room, bouncing roughly off of the walls and repeating over and over inside Michael's head.
He clutched the alert button tight, afraid he might drop it at this rate, and clenched his eyes shut; moaning and wincing with each hit harder he was given.

"You should've obeyed me, Michael." Calum ridiculed with a dark smirk, wrapping an arm around Michael's waist and tugging him up flush against his chest, "You know the punishment is worse for bad dominants like you..."

Michael whimpered softly, flinching as the stinging pain was pressed against a soft force.

He remembered the first time he and Calum sat down and discussed exactly what they believed was okay and not okay in their relationship, and he'd never forget the absolute lust in Calum's eyes when he spilled his secret desires.

They were perfect for each other. Savages behind the doors and lovers in front of their babies. The perfect little rendezvous.

Calum cupped a hand around Michael's neck, tilting his head back as he whispered harshly into his ear, "We haven't even started and you already look broken."

Michael groaned, squirming as Calum dropped the whip and instead smoothed his hand down the male's chest; moving slowly over the thin layer of sweat that had collected.

"Desperate are you?" Calum mocked, lightly tracing his fingertips over Michael's crotch, "Now that just makes you a weak little sub, Michael... I thought you were stronger than that, baby. I guess I was wrong."

Michael tried pulling his arms free from the chains, wanting nothing more than to pin Calum down and show him how dominant he could be. But he couldn't break free and all Calum did was chuckle lowly, slowly moving his hand up and down the base of Michael's dick as the male whined and struggled, "Go on, babe... Show me how submissive you really are. I'm sure Ashton could top you, you're that weak."

Michael knew Calum didn't mean anything he said, he was only following the guidelines that Michael had told him to. But he was obsessed with the way Calum played the role so perfectly, ridiculing him, teasing him, abusing him. He was sick but he loved it.

Michael's stomach churned, twisting in a knot as the pleasure inside him slowly built up. Calum took his hand away, sliding it to sit on the inner side of his thigh as he gently bit down on Michael's neck. He sucked slowly with such force that Michael couldn't help but groan as he pulled away.

Michael's eyes trailed up to catch Calum now standing in front of him, staring at his restrained and aching body for a moment before smirking viciously.

"I can't wait to see you try and walk tomorrow, love... The boys are going to wonder just how dominant you actually are." He placed his hand gently to Michael's cheek, "Only a sub gets fucked like this."

If Michael could, he definitely would've shoved Calum against a wall and shown him a thing or two about being a submissive.

Calum hummed, playing with the strap of the ball gag, "I like you a lot better this way. No backchat, no insults, nothing. Just silence... Maybe I'll leave it in."

Michael thrashed in the chains, pleading for satan to allow him to knock Calum down.

Calum chuckled darkly. "Aw, poor little thing... Maybe next time you won't disobey me."

~ ~ ❤️ ~ ~

Heh. Whoops.

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