She starts to form a smile. "Baby...Of course I'll be your girlfriend" she tells me then brings her arms up over my shoulders resting them there. "I only want you..I'd never be able to move on after having someone so amazing like you in my life." she whispers, looks down at my lips and kisses me deeply. Not caring about the public which I love. I never asked her if she's okay with being all gay in public but I'm assuming she is okay with it. I always thought she was shy for that.
Jens pov

My heart. First she tells me that she loves me then she asks right after to be her girlfriend? She finally asked me. I've been waiting. I mean I could've asked her but I was so scared to because of our past. I'm just scared being the one making the big moves now. I feel like I'd embarrass myself. I still feel horrible though. I want to tell her already. Tonight is perfect but perfect as in romantic. I don't wanna ruin it by telling her I'm pregnant. But I have to. I'm going to regret it if I don't.

"I have something to tell you.." I said quietly. "Tell me" She says and puts her hands at my waist and pulled me closer against her. Dammit..that got that mood. Her body is literally against mine.

"I...well.." I pause and sigh and look at her lips. "I wanna go things..with you"

I'm fucking dumb. I had the chance.

"Let's go home then" she says and gives me a peck on the lips then we let go and start walking while holding hands.
I guess I'll tell her another day..

We walked down the pier again going back towards the car. But we passed by some games and I saw this huge stuffed bear. I don't know why but I found it so cute. I wanted it.

"Wait look at that bear Leah" I tell her and pulled her with me to the game. "You want that?" She asks me. "Yeah I'm gonna try and win" I tell her and let go of her her hand.

I tried about four times and didn't win anything.

"Fuck it. Never mind" I tell her. "Here lemme try" She said. She started to throw the ball where she was supposed to and got it on the first throw. What the hell. She has three more tries to win the bear. She had to get all four in a row.

Well..I guess I just really suck because she just easily got all four of them now.

"Yay! You did it! Which prize would you like from the top row?" The lady asks. Leah looks at me and raises her brow. I smile and look up and point to the bear. "Can I have that one?" I ask the lady. She reached it for me and gives it to me. Now I feel like a child again. "Agh! Thank you!" I tell the lady. "No problem! Have a great night!" "You too!" Me and Leah said and left.

I smiled widely and hugged the bear tight and squealed a bit. Leah looked at me and laughed. "You're such a baby Jennifer" "you cant tell me that it's not cute! Look at it! The eyes! The little ears!" I said. She shakes her head and pulls out her phone. "Look" She said and I look at her and squeeze the bear up close to me and smiled as she takes a picture. "Aw.." She said and showed me her phone. I looked cute.

"You look like a grown Emme with that huge bear." She tells me which makes me laugh. "Haha thank you for winning this for me" "of course" she smiles and we keep walking till we got to the car
Once we got back to my place I immediately put the huge bear on the couch to let it just sit there.

"Emme's gonna end up taking this away from me for herself" I said to Leah. "I bet that's true." She says. I looked at her and cross my arms. "What?" She asks. I shrug my shoulders then eye her body, then I look back at her and raise my brows. "I gotta FaceTime Emme before she goes to sleep." I said and walked passed her kinda of bumping my shoulder into hers but not that hard.

I get to my kitchen counter and start the call while standing my phone up.

Leah comes up behind me and I feel her hands go from my back to my waist then in front of me. Now she's hugging me from behind but looking at the camera while I waited for Lynda to answer the phone.

"How is your ass this big?" She asks me while resting her head on my shoulder. I look to my left towards her face and smile and bend a bit forward teasing her. Then Lynda answered.

"Woah there" Lynda says and I quickly look back at the phone. "Oh- hi" I giggle. Leah moves over and stands by me and looks at the phone too so that both of us could be seen by Lynda.

"Why'd you call?" Lynda asks. "I wanna say goodnight to Emme" "Oh okay hold on" She says and walks around to get Emme. I look back at Leah and shrug. "At least she knows about us" "Emme?"
"No- well yeah and your sister." "Ohh..yeah true."

"Hi mommy!" Emme says loudly and I look back at the phone. "Hi baby! How are you?" "Gooood! Hi Leah!" She says happily. "Hi sweetie" leah says and I feel her arm go around my waist from the side. I just continued to talk to Emme for 20 minutes about her night with her cousins. Leah's sweet for waiting for me to finish talking to Emme.

After the call I hung up and put my phone down and sighed, then looked at Leah then leaned in to kiss her.

"Someone's obsessed with me" Leah jokes. "You know I am" I smile and bit my lip and then kiss her again. We kissed slowly. I'm taking advantage of tonight. I just want her naked in my bed. It's been way too fucking long. There's not many nights like this that we could have a peaceful, kid free date night. Who knows how many date nights I could have with Leah after my baby is born? Who knows if she'd even stay with me after she finds out I'm pregnant?

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