Chapter 38 - Buttery Eggs and Scrambled Thoughts

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Chapter 38

I shower again quickly. Best to leave here without the scent of him clinging to me. It will just intensify my agony. I pull on my freshly laundered clothes.

That was very thoughtful of him.

What time did he wake up? Did he sleep at all?

Maybe, he thought the sooner my clothes were clean, the sooner he could get me dressed and out of his house.

No, he didn't have to put them in the washer at all.

Whatever his intentions, this was thoughtful of him.

Was he like this with all of his lovers? With Stephanie? So thoughtful? How many women has he been with?

That's really not your business, Layla.

Damn, if I had not been a virgin he might have been wondering the same thing now. He knows I've only ever been with him. I wish he could feel the pang of jealousy I feel at his experience.

Silly, inexperienced little girl.

God, you going to kill yourself with your own obsessive thoughts. Just chill and get downstairs. Get this over with and get the hell out of here.

I go to fetch the crumpled sheet on the floor, but it has vanished. He's taken them with him? Has he seen the stains on them as well?

My face heats up with embarrassment.

What's he thinking?...Why's he being so...nice?

I go downstairs and I see Riaan busy in the kitchen. The smell of breakfast cooking is delicious. I realise I'm famished. But no use hanging about here. I'll dig something out of the fridge when I get home. The sooner I'm out of here the better. I feel a bit awkward already.

"I'm not hungry," I lie. "I'm going to skip breakfast and call a cab."


The commanding tone is back.

Geez, that tones sexy when I'm all hot for him, but now, it's just annoying.

I remain standing.

He looks at me as he fetches two plates and places them on the counter.

"Sit, Layla," he says, this time in a more compromising tone. "You can't tell me you're not hungry after what we just did."

I blush at his mention of it. In the harsh light of day, I'm suddenly shy.

Well, no point in arguing, so I slide into one of the counter chairs.

He pours me coffee and starts dishing out the breakfast he has cooked. I'm impressed. It's quite a spread. Scrambled eggs, bacon, sausages and grilled tomatoes.

"Mmmm...I don't eat bacon or beef, so the eggs will do...Thank you for this...for fixing breakfast."

"The bacon is lamb rashers. The sausage is lamb too. I know you don't eat pork or beef."

"You do?"

With my mother being Muslim and my father Hindu, I was brought up abstaining from these meats. I didn't mind. It is just how I was brought up and is now a part of who I am.

I'm amazed that he knows this. Damn, I'm also peeved at his thoughtfulness again.

"Come on Layla. Of course, I know. Rahul's my best friend, remember? And I spent a good part of my twenties hanging around your house."

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